Robert Murray Stamp Shop, Edinburgh


Our auctions are normally termed "Stamps and Collectables". In additions to postage stamps they also normally have sections of postcards, coins, cigarette cards, medals, banknotes, cinderella stamps, and the like. 

If you want to hear about future sales, email us asking to go on to our "E-Mailing List".

down the
page for
links to

Our auctions are now carried out online. We don't have a fixed programme of dates, but are planning at having sales roughly every few months.
Links to different versions of catalogues below.


We have provisional dates for our next auctions. These will be our last main auctions, and will clear most of our stock.
We'll be having Live Online Auctions, probably in five sessions over two days, and we'll have a large all-day Timed Auction.
The exact timings of these have to be decided, but our target window is
Sunday 11th May, Monday 12th May, and Tuesday 13th May.



Click here to see 
colour images of 
selected items 
from some of our
past auctions

Read our list of good reasons why you should deal with us, whether buying or selling !

Since 1977 our auctions have been public sales with live room bidding, open viewing for the week preceding, and so on. During Covid we converted to running our auctions online through the EasyLive Auction platform.

I am now working towards semi-retirement.
  We are not accepting any further material from vendors, as the available space in our auctions will be fully taken up in selling our shop stocks.
However, I can still advise people on how they might sell material (stamps, covers, postcards, coins, medals, banknotes, etc.) and have numerous contacts with other dealers and auctioneers.
I am pleased to announce that I am now the Representative for Scotland for David Feldman SA, International Auctioneers of Geneva, Switzerland.

Send us an email if you'd like to be informed when future auctions are coming up.

stamp auction venue -
                stewarts-melville clubhouse
The previous stamp auction venue

Historically, the vast majority of lots in our auctions came from third parties, for whom we were selling on commission.
To the pleasure of our customers, buyers are not faced with complicated invoices with numerous additional charges; there is a simple buyer's premium of 14.4% added to the price at which lots are knocked down (this includes value-added tax). There is no handling charge per lot or per invoice, nor is there any v.a.t. charged in addition to the knock-down price. What you pay is the price the hammer falls at plus 14.4%. Postal buyers are charged simply the cost of postage onto the price of their lots. EasyLive charge a fee for using the online system - that is 3% + v.a.t. on your purchases, but in the live auction there is the option to pay a single £3 fee up-front instead of the percentage.

Some of our auctions are described as "Stamp Auctions" and will be almost entirely stamps, though usually with a small section of non-philatelic lots.
Other auctions are "Stamps and Collectables" and these have much stronger Collectables sections, which will include postcards, cigarette & trade cards, coins, medals, banknotes, and other categories.

Our charges for sellers were a commission of 13½% of the sale price, plus administration fees of £1.80 per lot and £7 per vendor, all plus v.a.t. at 20% .
Minimum charge for a vendor in any auction is £14.40 (£12 + vat).
Our full list of terms and conditions includes details of storage charges for any unsold lots which are not collected, as well as minimum charges for heavy and bulky lots, and charges for unsold lots where a reserve has not been initially agreed by us.

  If you would like to see our next auction catalogues (or our previous one), you should be able to view or download them by clicking below. Your software will probably prompt you to confirm that you want it. It will probably give you the option of either viewing the document or downloading it. It may also warn you about "dangerous material" - all we can say is that to the best of our knowledge there is nothing dangerous in our auction catalogues (except perhaps the temptation to spend money !). The auction catalogues do not always look pretty - they are designed for publishing on paper, and only minor changes have been made to them to make them internet-accessable. There are different formats to choose from.

18 June 2024 - Stamps and Collectables Timed Auction, with one lot selling every 20 seconds from 9:00am to about 10:20pm.

Printed version on request (£5 charge for costs)

17 June 2024 - Stamps and Collectables Live Online Auction. First session starts at 1:00pm, second session at 5:00pm.

"Word" version available by email.

24 January 2023 - Stamps and Collectables Timed Auction, with one lot selling every 20 seconds from 11:00am to just about 10:15pm. VIEW ONLINE

Printed version on request (£4 charge for costs)

23 January 2023 - Stamps and Collectables Live Online Auction, starts at 5:00pm VIEW ONLINE

3 May 2022 - Stamps and Collectables Timed Auction, with one lot selling every 20 seconds from 11:00am to just after 9:00pm.

Printed version on request (£3 charge for costs)
2 May 2022 - Stamps and Collectables Live Online Auction, starts at 6:00pm

Printed version on request.
23 November 2021 - "Collectors' Auction" of stamps and collectables - online timed auction. VIEW ONLINE (recommended)
Printed version on request (£3 charge for costs)
22 November 2021 - Stamps and Collectables Live Online Auction, starts at 5:00pm VIEW ONLINE (recommended) PDF not available Printed version on request.

20 July 2021 - "Collectors' Auction" of stamps and collectables - online timed auction. VIEW ONLINE (recommended)
Printed version on request (£3 charge for costs)
19 July 2021 - Stamps and Collectables Live Online Auction, starts at 5:00pm VIEW ONLINE (recommended)

22 March 2021 - "Collectors' Auction" of stamps and collectables - online timed auction.
VIEW ONLINE (recommended)

Printed version on request (£3 charge for costs)
15 March 2021 - Stamps and Collectables Live Online Auction, starts at 5:00pm
VIEW ONLINE (recommended) PDF Document

23 November 2020 - Stamps and Collectables Live Online Auction, starts 5:00pm
VIEW ONLINE PDF Document "Word" document with illustrations
"One Pound Auction" - Live Online Auction
VIEW ONLINE PDF Document "Word" document with illustrations
17 February 2020 - Stamps and Collectables
PDF Document Web version "Word" document
"Word" document with illustrations
25 November 2019 - Stamps and Collectables
PDF Document Web version "Word" document
"Word" document with illustrations
7 October 2019 - Stamps and Collectables
PDF Document Web version
"Word" document
"Word" document with illustrations
26 August 2019 - Stamps and Collectables
PDF Document
Web version
"Word" document
"Word" document with illustrations
3 June 2019 - Stamps and Collectables
PDF Document Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
25 March 2019 - Stamps and Collectables PDF Document
Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
11 February 2019 - Stamps and Collectables PDF Document
Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
26 November 2918 - Stamps and Collectables

Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
8 October 2018 - Stamps and Collectables

Web version
"Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
27 August 2018 - Stamps and Collectables

Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
4 June 2018 - Stamps and Collectables

Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
26 March 2018 - Stamps and Collectables

Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
5 February 2018 - Stamps and Collectables

Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
27 November 2017 - Stamps and Collectables

Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
16 October 2017 - Stamps and Collectables

Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
28 August 2017 - Stamps and Collectables (featuring Malta)

Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
5 June 2017 - Stamps and Collectables

Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
27 March 2017 - Stamps and Collectables

Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
30 January 2017 - Stamps and Collectables

Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
5 December 2016 - Stamps and Collectables

Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
26 September 2016 - Stamps and Collectables

Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
29 August 2016 - Stamps and Collectables

Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
6 June 2016 - Stamps and Collectables

Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
21 March 2016 - Stamps and Collectables

Web version
"Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
1 February 2016 - Stamps and Collectables

Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
23 November 2015 - Stamps and Collectables

Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
12 October 2015 - Stamps and Collectables

Web version
"Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
7 September 2015 - Malcolm Cant Library of Edinburgh Books etc. (at our shop)

Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
24 August 2015 - Stamps and Collectables

Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
8 June 2015 - Stamps and Collectables
Web version
"Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
30 March 2015 - Stamps and Collectables

Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
2 February 2015 - Stamps

Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
24 November 2014 - Stamps and Collectables

Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
13 October 2014 - Stamps and Collectables

Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
25 August 2014 - Stamps and Collectables

Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
9 June 2014 - Stamps and Collectables

Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
31 March 2014 - Stamps and Collectables

Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
3 February 2014 - Stamps

Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
25 November 2013

Web version
"Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
7 October 2013

Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
26 August 2013

Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
3 June 2013 - Collectables, Specialised France and Germany,
and General Stamps.

Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
(large file size - about 11MB)
25 March 2013

Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
4 February 2013 - Stamps

Web version
"Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
10 December 2012 - Malcolm Cant Collection,
Collectables, and Stamps.

Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
5 November 2012

Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
1 October 2012 - Stamps

Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
27 August 2012 - Stamps and Collectables

Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
11 June 2012 - Stamps

Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
23 April 2012 - Stamps

Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
5 March 2012 - Stamps and Collectables

Web version
"Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
6 February 2012 (originally planned for 30 January)

Web version
"Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
28 November 2011 - Stamps

Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
10 October 2011 - Stamps and Collectables

(follow links from
web page shown left)
(follow links from web page)
5 September 2011 - Stamps

Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
13 June 2011 - Stamps

Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
2 May 2011 - Stamps and Collectables

Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
14 March 2011 - Stamps

Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
7 February 2011 - Stamps

Web version
"Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
6 December 2010 - Stamps and Collectables -
POSTPONED (snow) - rescheduled to Monday 13th December

Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
25 October 2010 - Stamps
Web version
"Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
6 September 2010 - Stamps

Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
21 June 2010 Collectables

Web version
"Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
21 June 2010 Stamps

Web version "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
26 April 2010 Stamps

Web page "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
8 March 2010 Stamps

Web page "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
18 January 2010 Stamps and Collectables

Web page "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
7 December 2009 General Stamp Auction

Web page
"Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
7 December 2009 Specialised Modern UK Stamps

Web page
"Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
2 November 2009 Coins

Web page "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
26 October 2009 Stamps

Web page "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
14 September 2009 Stamps and Collectables

Web page "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
17 August 2009 Stamps

Web page "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
15 June 2009 Stamps and Collectables

Web page "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
27 April 2009 Stamps

Web page "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
13 April 2009 - Mega Buy or Bid Sale
(no catalogue to be published)

16 March 2009 - Stamps

Web page
"Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
2 February 2009 - Stamps and Collectables

Web page "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
8 December 2008 - Stamps

Web page "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
10 November 2008 - Stamps

Web page
"Word" document
"Word" document with illustrations
29 September 2008 - Stamps and Collectables

Web page "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
29 September 2008 - Banknotes

Web page "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations
25 August 2008 - Stamps

Web page
"Word" document
16 June 2008 Stamps and Collectables  - word version

19 May 2008
or Word version

14 April 2008 Stamps and Collectables - word version

3 March 2008 Stamps and Collectables Auction - or word version

28 January 2008 - Stamps
Web page "Word" document

Web page "Word" document "Word" document with illustrations

10 December 2007 - Stamps and Collectables
10 December 2007 - Stamps and Collectables

10 December 2007 - Books
Book Auction (or Word version)

PREVIOUS AUCTION CATALOGUES are available by following the links below

24 September 2007
 (or Word version)


2 April 2007
 (or word version)
7 May 2007 - (or word version) 18 June 2007 - or word version

4 December 2006
(word version)
22 January 2007 
word version)

15 May 2006
 or word version

19 June 2006 - (or word version)
19 June 2006 Slogans/Meters - word version

28 August 2006
(or word version)

5 December 2005
(or word version)
30 January 2006
(or Word version)
6 March 2006
(or word version)
29 August 2005
word version

26 September 2005 Stamp Auction - web page version - word version Cinderellas Auction 3 October - web page version - word version
Scottish Postal History Auction - web page version
- word version
31 October 2005 Stamp Auction  - word version
7 November 2005 Scouting/Mafeking Auction- word version 
7 November 2005 Collectables Auction  - word version

 28 February 2005
(or Word version)

4 April 2005
(or Word version)

16 May 2005
(or Word version)

25 October
(or Word version)

1 November 2004 Collectables
(or Word version)

24 January 2005
(or Word version)

24 May 2004
(or Word version)
28 June 2004
(or Word version)
30 August 2004
(or word version)

27 September 2004
(or Word version)

January 2004
(or Word version)
23 February 2004
(or Word version)
22 March 2004
(or Word version)
19 April 2004
(or Word version)
29 September 2003
(or Word version)
27 October 2003
(or Word version)
3 November 2003 Collectables
(or Word version)
 8 December 2003
(or Word version)
28 April 2003
(or Word version)
26 May 2003
(or Word version)
23 June 2003
(or Word version)
25 August 2003
(or Word version)
 9 December 2002
(or Word version)
20 January 2003
(or Word version)
24 February 2003
(or Word version)
24 March 2003
(or Word version)
26 August 2002
(or Word version)
30 September 2002
or Word version
4 November 2002
or Word version
11 November Collectables
or Word version
25 March 2002
(or Word Version)
29 April 2002
(or Word version)
27 May 2002
(or Word version)
24 June 2002
(or Word version)
5 November 2001 Collectables
(or Word Version)
3 December 2001
(or Word version)
21 January 2002
(or Word version)
18 February 2002
(or Word version)
18 June 2001
(or Word Version)
20 August 2001
(or Word Version)
24 September 2001
(or Word Version)
29 October 2001
(or Word Version)
5 February 2001
(or Word version)
5 March 2001
(or Word version)
2 April 2001
(or Word version)
14 May 2001
(or Word version)
9 October 2000 Collectables 
(or Word version)
2 October 2000
(Or Word version)
6 November 2000
(Or Word version)
11 December 2000
(Or Word version)
10 April 2000
15 May 2000
26 June 2000
4 September 2000
8 November 1999 Collectables 
6 December 1999
7 February 2000
6 March 2000
14 June 1999 
23 August 1999
27 September 1999
1 November 1999
16 November 1998
8 March 1999 
12 April 1999 
10 May 1999

Click here to find out about prices realised.

Catalogues can be sent by post - current subscription rates are £10. p.a. in the UK, Europe £12., Overseas £15.
You can post a payment to us, or send/phone/email credit or debit card details, or us the Google Checkout facility below.

UK Subscription (£10.00)

Europe Subscription (£15.00)

Overseas Subscription (£15.00)

If you want an e-mail when the next catalogue is available on our website, click here.

Last updated Tuesday 25 March 2025.
From Stamp Auctions to Robert Murray's Home PageClick on the Penny Black to go back to the beginning (home page).  | Click here to go to our site contents page.
Robert Murray Stamp Shop
5 & 6 Inverleith Gardens
Scotland EH3 5PU
Tel. 0131 552 1220 or 0131 478 7021
Email; [email protected]
How to Order
Retail Mail Orders are accepted by post, telephone, email, or fax. We accept payments by cash, cheque, Visa/MasterCard, Switch/Delta, and some foreign currencies.
Basically, we charge [the advertised price of the goods] plus [the actual price of postage] plus [£1 per order handling charge]. 
Full details can be seen at our How to Order page.
Our Shop
is open only for a day now and again - see our home page for notifications (or our page on Facebook, or signs in our shop window, or listen to the message on our telephone answering machine). Customers are always, of course, welcome to come in and browse on one of those days. Our stocks are steadily reducingf as we work towards semi-retirement, and many areas of stock are now discounted.
We carry very wide stocks of the whole world - much, much more than is listed on our website.
All the world's
                    philatelic bureaux
Listings of stamp
                    dealers across the world