Robert Murray Stamp Shop, Edinburgh
How to Order
There are various ways in which you can buy material from us. First choice should always be to come in to our shop if you possibly can - our website only mentions a small fraction of our total stock. Secondly, please have a browse around the lists here on the website to see what you can find. Thirdly, you are of course welcome to make enquiries about our stock. 
IN PERSON; By far the easiest method. Come in to our shop, collect the goods, pay for them. Couldn't be easier ! See our  shop information  for details.

BY POST; orders can be posted to us, accompanied by a cheque (payable to "Robert Murray", in Sterling, drawn on a UK bank), British postal order, cash (send cash by registered mail), or by credit/debit card. Please make sure that your letter clearly states what you want, and if possible, give alternatives in case your first choice is sold out. Also please ensure that your full name and postal address are given. All orders sent out by post are charged at [the price of the goods] plus [the exact cost of postage] plus [£1 per order handling charge].
Please remember that we are principally a traditional over-the-counter shop business, and mail order is an "add-on" service for those customers who are unable to get in to see us.

Postal address; Robert Murray, 5 & 6 Inverleith Gardens, Edinburgh, Scotland, EH3 5PU
BY FAX; please note that we have now stopped using a fax.

BY E-MAIL; a very handy way of making a quick order or checking availability etc. See notes above.
                                   E-mail address
BY TELEPHONE; probably the most effective way of ordering or making an enquiry if you are not too sure of what you want, whether we have it, or what kind of price it might be, in that several questions and answers can be dealt with in succession.
Telephone number 0131.552 1220 (International +44 (0)131 552 1220)
or 0131 478 7021 (International +44 (0)131 478 7021)

Everything we sell is guaranteed to be as described, genuine, and in good condition, unless otherwise stated. If something is not, it can be returned for refund or replacement
Condition; If you think of yourself as being a fussy person (we are fussy, but just in case you are fussier than us) please enquire before ordering to make sure that things are up to the standard you want.
Mixes; It should be expected that some mixed lots of stamps (kiloware for example) will be better than others. The fact that many of these are made up at random means that some variation in quality and content is unavoidable, and customers should expect some reasonable variation. If however you find such a mix entirely unacceptable, it should be returned complete.
A small percentage of customers are of the unhelpful and unfriendly type, and to protect our decent customers from having to pay higher prices, we do try to protect ourselves from such vagabonds (such as would buy a bag of kiloware, take a few they want, and return the rest, or that would take the fine mint set of stamps sent to them and return a poorer set they already had - the scoundrels !). Just now and again we will photocopy or photograph some of the contents of a mixture, or an order will be checked over (for content and quality) by two or three members of staff. In this random way we hope to discourage any abuse of our services. (To the rest of our decent, honest, customers - Thanks !)

Last updated Wednesday 3 July 2024. Copyright Robert Murray 1999 to 2016.
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CREDIT CARDS - We accept MasterCard, and Visa.
DEBIT CARDS - We accept Maestro and Delta.
We accept most credit and debit cards, with the exception of American Express.
The minimum transaction for which card payments are accepted is £5.
We do not accept credit cards for sales of gold coins (debit cards are ok).
We do not accept credit cards for sale of "discount postage material" of £500 or more (debit cards are ok).

SECURITY of payments. The sending of credit/debit card details to us is done at your own risk. Generally speaking, such information transmitted to us by post or telephone is pretty secure, but please do not send us your card details by email. There is no facility on our website for making online payments.
DETAILS you will be asked if phoning with card details are; main card number, expiry date, three-digit code on back of card, name as on card, and address for card if different from posting address for order.