This is an archive copy of a past auction catalogue. Many people find them useful for finding references to specialist items, or to research prices. Prices realised can normally be found in the "Word" version of the subsequent catalogue. Current and forthcoming auctions are listed at
Robert Murray
5 & 6 Inverleith Gardens, Ferry Road,
Edinburgh, Scotland, EH3 5PU

Tel. 0131 552 1220 or 0131 478 7021
U.K. Local Rate Number 0845 0500 886

Kuwait blocks

 Monday 13 June

at 7.00 pm

USA newspaper stamp


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"Word" format

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(large file)

Catalogue of Postage Stamps to be sold by Public Auction, within the
On view at Pavilion on afternoon and evening of sale (see details later),
and at Shop during business hours (Tue, Thu, Fri 10am-6pm, Wed 2pm-9pm,
and Sat 10am-6pm) for one week prior to sale, or by appointment.
Stewarts-melville pavilion
The auction venue

This is the electronic/internet version of our normal paper catalogue. Some changes have been effected so as to save file space and transfer/download time. Most illustrations and logos for example have been removed. Although it is not in the easiest form to read, hopefully it will still bring you the information you need. 

The sale is arranged in the following order;
    Lots 1-114 Collections and Mixed Lots
    Lots 115-133 Non-Philatelic Items
    Lots 134-325 Lots by country A-Z, excluding U.K.

    Lots 326-400 United Kingdom
If you are new to our auctions, please see our general auction information page.

The figure at the end of each description is our estimate, in pounds sterling. Bids are accepted above or below this figure, although bids below about 75% or 80% estimate only have a tiny chance of success (and are not normally sold at less than about two-thirds of estimate). Estimates are in Pounds Sterling do not include the 10% buyer's premium.

After the main listings you will find various information and instructions. This is followed by a sample bid form, and a copy of the the notes that appear on the reverse of our bid forms.

This is a public auction, in which written/telephone/e-mail bids are also accepted. If you are bidding with us for the first time, please bid by two of these methods with the same bids (e.g. by post and by phone, or by telephone and by e-mail), or bid in good enough time for us to get back in touch with you with any queries.

Please note that bidders who are not already known to us are required to bid in the first instance by two different methods. The options available are email, telephone, or post.
New customers attending one of our sales in person for the first time, and intending to bid, are invited to make themselves known before the sale starts. This saves the auctioneer from having to ask for a name during the sale.

Tel. 0131 552 1220 or 0131.478 7021 website email [email protected]

Skype name � stampshop

General, 13 June 2011        Page 3                                   Estimate.
Collections and Mixed Lots. 

        1     A small box with highly concentrated value, being a bundle of sixty stockcards, each one
     with Commonwealth of Foreign stamps catalogued at least at a few pounds, often tens,
     and in some cases hundreds. Mainly early to middle periods with only a few modern, and
     sometimes with duplication. Total stated to catalogue �10,000+ (100s)                ..                �700.
        2     Bundle of items previously unsold in one of our Buy or Bid sales,
almost entirely Common-
     wealth (little modern). S.t.c. c.�5,600. Also a few others loose.          ..               ..                �260.
        3     Large bulk lot of mixed world stamps in several albums and stockbooks, plus duplicates in

     packets, some FDCs (Switzerland, UK, KUT, etc.), an overfilled Strand album, broken
     Harris Statesman album of world stamps, etc. (Many 1,000s)            ..               ..                �200.
        4     A big old Gibbons
Century album, dating from about 1900, though with many �modern�
     stamps included up to about 1920s. General range in typically mixed condition, with odd
     better stamps, e.g. UK penny black. (2,000+)               ..                   ..               ..                �150.
        5     Large lot in two plastic storage boxes and one carton with general world stamps, a disor-
     ganised 1981 R.Wedding collection and pages/album, 1953 Coronation album, album of
     German Third Reich, etc. (1,000s)               ..               ..                   ..               ..                �130.
        6     Large carton with a big accumulation inc. a ten-volume world collection, three other

     albums, three stockbooks (and some small), loose stamps in small boxes, an album of UN
     FDCs, etc. (1,000s)                  ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                �120.
        7     Twenty approval books (priced-up in Euros) with a wide mix of world, mainly thematics,

     many u.m. sets included. (100s)                    ..               ..                   ..               ..                �120.
        8     Collection in fifteen mixed albums � some of them being a single organised collection,
     others being various remainders etc. Strength in UK. (1,000s)            ..               ..                �100.
        9     Big old Schwaneberger album with world stamps only up to about 1922/23. General
     content, strength in Europe, some better inc. France 1922 Bourges Aeronautical semi-
     official set (5) m.m., Italy, Russia, etc. (100s)                 ..                   ..               ..                    75.
      10     Varied mix in box inc. an album of NZ FDCs (c.90), a bag of world miniature sheets
     (dozens), seln. of world express covers (25), other mixed covers and stamps.      ..                    75.
      11     About 75 stockcards in small box, many of the stamps of at least a little value, wide mix.

     (100s)                    ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    75.
      12     Varied mix with mixed countries on pages, a bundle of approval books, bundles of FDCs

     (UK, KUT, Ireland), and a small bundle of stockcards inc. some decent Commonwealth.          70.
      13     Two-volume general collection (plus a third sparse album), the best having UK 1841-1958

     (inc. a few m.m. KE7, 1951 high values set m.m., etc.), Commonwealth has some reason-
     able KG5/KG6 and most of 1953 Coronation omnibus m.m. (100s)   ..            70.
      14     Medium box of mixed world stamps, not large in size or numbers but of a reasonable

     general standard. Much mint, some sets, many medium values. (Many 100s)        ..                    60.
      15     Decent mix in carton with album of Commonwealth, album of Africa, four stockbooks of

     Germany, plus loose in tubs. (1,000s)           ..               ..                   ..               ..                    50.
      16     Carton with seven mixed albums (some general, some single-country) plus bundle of pages.

     (1,000s)                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    50.
      17     File storage box with some largely empty stockbooks and stockalbums � some UK and

     Commonwealth stamps remaining, misc. others.             ..                   ..               ..                    50.
      18     Mixed lot with world stamps in a Strand album (100s), some UK presentation packs, three
     numismatic covers, and odds.    ..                 ..               ..                   ..            50.
      19     Mixed world and UK in three albums (100s), mainly standard but inc. Germany (British/

     American Zone) 1949 Goethe set (3) f.u., W.Germany 1949 Refugees set (4) fair/fine u.,
     1950 Bach set (2) m.m.             ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    50.
      20     Two-volume world collection, plus one volume of UK. Also USA 1998 �Century� (1900s-

     1930s) sheets, a folder of modern mint UK, and others. (1,000s)       ..               ..                    50.
      21     Stockbook with an all-world mix of generally 1850s-1950s. (c.1,500+)
             ..                    50.

General, 13 June 2011                               Page 3                                       Estimate.
Collections and Mixed Lots, continued.
      22     Smallish box with a reasonable world mix on pages, on stockcards, some loose, some
     covers, etc. Not too much �junk�. (Many 100s)             ..                   ..               ..                    45.
      23     Medium box filled with album pages of world stamps, plus many more in bundle of packets.

     (1,000s)                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    45.
      24     Accumulation filling a carton � many pages, plus albums/stockbooks, some remainder club

     book pages, etc. (1,000s)         ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    45.
      25     Box with a variety of world presentation packs, souvenir folders, cards/covers, etc. (typical

     of handouts at postal conferences), mainly about 1980s. (c.44 items) ..            40.
      26     Large carton containing six stockbooks, plus other albums, and loose � a world mix inc.

     many pictorials. (1,000s)           ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    40.
      27     Carton with varied pile of remainders/accumulation inc. large stockalbum of dupl. Switzer-

     land, a few mint GB/foreign here and there (inc. sets and m.s.), many loose stamps, etc.
     (1,000s)                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    40.
      28     World mix in stockbook, some less common. (1,000+)
..                   ..            40.
      29     Small box with bundle of 70 stockcards with mainly selected world stamps. (100s)
      30     Covers and stamps in carton, some just cheap stuff, some a little better, some duplicated.

     (1,000s)                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    40.
      31     Large accumulation with thousands of world stamps in packets and tubs, remainder albums,

     on pages, etc. Also some old catalogues, and so on.                      ..               ..                    40.
      32     Small box with 89 stockcards, all-world stamps, some medium values. (100s)
      33     Flat box with a bundle of stockcards with generally slightly better stamps and sets, many
     worth at least a pound or two, with strength in Commonwealth. (100s)                ..                    40.
      34     Improved album quite well filled with general collection up to about 1960s. (Est. 3,000+)
      35     Two stockbooks � one of world mix with some mint modern UK, the other with mainly

     dupl. used UK, much KE7/KG5 and inc. just a few useful KG5 mint. Also others loose.
     (1,000s)                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    40.
      36     Mixed lot, the main interest in covers (European inc. Belgium, Greece, Germany, Poland

     1944 Monte Cassino set on cover but with small tone spots, Austrian FDCs, etc.), plus
     mixed loose world stamps, UK slogan pmks., other odds.                  ..               ..                    35.
      37     Collector's clear-out box of world stamps and covers. (1,000s)          ..               ..                    35.
      38     Two stockbooks of world stamps, largely pictorials, Commonwealth and foreign, and inc.

     many sets. (c.1,300, 65 m.s.)    ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    30.
      39     Album pages and stockleaves, some covers and loose
stamps, in medium carton. (1,000s)        30.
      40     Six thousand different world off-paper stamps in one big packet.
       ..               ..                    30.
      41     Box of mainly loose world stamps on and off-paper, some sorted, plus an album of foreign,

     etc. (1,000s)          ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    30.
      42     Folder of items from a stamp club�s �Bring and Buy� sale � s.t.c.�1,100+, PTSA �164.
      43     Three stockbooks � one mixed world, one of Germany, one of mainly m.s. and blocks.

     (100s)                    ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    30.
      44     Mix of world kiloware; a shoebox of mixed countries, plus a bag each of Europe (c.600,

     mainly commems/pictorials), and of foreign (c.1,000, mainly commems/pictorials, no
     Germany or UK).   ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    26.
      45     One album each of Australia and Canada, a stockbook with both, and just a little S.Africa.

     (100s)    ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    24.
      46     A collector's remainders box with various album pages, loose stamps, a 2007 Common-

     wealth catalogue, etc. (1,000s) ..                 ..               ..                   ..            24.
      47     Mixed box � world stamps loose and on pages etc. (1,000s)
             ..               ..                    20.
      48     Carton that looks like just kiloware, but has many foreign, some off-paper, and odd other

     bits. (1,000s)         ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    20.
      49     Carton with albums and folders of UK and France stamps, Guernsey FDCs, etc.
A Buyer�s Premium of 10% (vat-inclusive) will be added to all sale prices.
General, 13 June 2011                               Page 4                                       Estimate.
Collections and Mixed Lots, continued.
      50     Medium box with world stamps in envelopes (many 100s), some Omnibus issues (1970s

     etc.), and some UK PHQ cards.                  ..               ..                   ..               ..                    20.
      51     Odd little mix comprising two Cape triangulars, a German Hitler booklet, 4 mixed cards,

     and an entry ticket to Ibrox Stadium for Opening of 1938 Exhibition.      ..            20.
      52     World colln. in album, other albums, loose stamps, a few mint UK, etc.               ..                    18.
      53     Fruit box with some mixed stamps, UK FDCs, a few empty binders, etc.
            ..                    15.
      54     Stockleaf of Australian States (89), five UK covers 1855-57 with 1d reds cancelled by Scots

     Local cancels, and a few postcards.                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    15.
      55     Box with various odds inc. a few mint Commonwealth. (100s)            ..               ..                    15.
      56     Small chocolate box with world stamps in envelopes, mainly to about 1950s, plus just a few

     later covers.           ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    15.
      57     British Commonwealth; worthwhile lot in fourteen various stockbooks, early to modern
     of many countries (some countries absent) and sometimes with better items, definitive sets,
     etc., often with modern sets. Some countries well-represented (in value or numbers) inc.
     Aden, Bermuda, Falklands, Gilbert & Ellice/Kiribati/Tuvalu, Gold Coast/Ghana, Grenada,
     Mauritius, Montserrat, Newfoundland, St.Lucia, St.Vincent & Grenadines, Sri Lanka.
     (1,000s)                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                �300.
      58     --; approx. 1952-70 large collection in five
New Age albums, of mounted mint QE stamps,
     with many commem sets, some complete defin sets, other short sets and odds. Mainly
     l.m.m., some more heavily hinged. (Estimated c.4,000+) ..                  ..        �300.
      59     --; album of Africa (mixed countries m. & u., with some better values and sets), New

     Zealand in two albums, mix of Mauritius, mixed album (odd better), etc. (1,000s) �180.
      60     --;
Ideal album printed for stamps to 1915, though with material included up to about
     1930s. A bit worn and untidy, but still worthwhile. (c.1,200)               ..               ..                �100.
     --; bundle of items previously unsold in one of our Buy or Bid sales, mainly older to middle-
     periods, all UK and Commonwealth, and generally catalogued at a few pounds per item,
     priced to sell at �500+. (100s) ..                 ..               ..                   ..        �100.
      62     --; small box of stockcards of selected items, spread over all periods up to about 1980.

     Most are catalogued a few pounds per card. (100s)      ..                   ..               ..                    70.
      63     --;
New Imperial album (modern edition) Vol.1 (for UK and Antigua to Malta to 1936) with
     a general collection of odds. UK has a poor penny black but little else, other countries often
     have stamps catalogued pounds each. (c.1,000)            ..                   ..               ..                    70.
      64     --;
New Ideal album (for Empire issues up to 1936) with mainly used colln. (c.1,300)                70.
      65     --;
New Ideal album (for Empire issues up to 1936) with scattered m. & u. colln. UK
     includes 1924-26 5d to 1/- m.m., 1934 Seahorses 2/6 m.m. (c.600) ..            60.
      66     --; stockbook with useful range mainly of overprints on UK stamps, comprising Tangier

     (c.50), Qatar (c.80), Kuwait (c.300), Muscat/Br. Postal Agencies in E.Arabia (c.200).             60.
      67     --; two-volume collection of mainly general used material, though with a few sets, the best

     being Gibraltar 1960 set (14) m.m. (100s)    ..               ..                   ..            50.
      68     --; reasonable remainder collections in albums or stockbooks of Bahamas, Gibraltar, New

     Zealand, and Rhodesia. (100s) ..                 ..               ..                   ..            45.
      69     --; child's shoebox with a loose off-paper mix of good average quality, much being KG6 to

     early-QE, much mint, and most are cat. at least 50p or �1 each. (100s)               ..                    40.
      70     --; slim s�book of mint QE stamps, mixed u.m./l.m.m./m.m., many sets included. (c.670)
      71     --; three stockbooks � one of W.Indies, one of mainly mint Australia, the third of modern

     used UK. (100s)    ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    40.
      72     --; stockbook of Anguilla (c.300) and St. Helena (c.120).
                 ..               ..                    30.
      73     --; Canada 1979-86 u.m. in two binders (s.t.c. c.�100), album of Malta covers (mainly

     1984-99 with used sets), and two stockbooks of duplicated used 1953-2000 commems.
     (1,000s)                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    30.
General, 13 June 2011                               Page 5                                       Estimate.
Collections and Mixed Lots, continued.
      74     British Commonwealth; stockbook of Newfoundland (c.450), a few other Canadian
     Provinces (17), and Singapore (c.650).        ..               ..                   ..               ..                    30.
      75     --; large stockbook of Aden, Rhodesias, Ireland, and Singapore. S.t.c.�1,600+ (100s)             30.
      76     --; bag of kiloware � approx.1,000 stamps, nearly all large and quite modern, and with many

     higher values.         ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    20.
      77     --;
Omnibus; 1948 Silver Wedding fine used Mauritius 10r (cat. �38), Morocco Agencies
     (Tangier) �1 (�25), and St.Vincent �1 (�29).   ..               ..                   ..            30.
      78     --; --; four
Westminster Collection albums of 1978 Coron. Anniv., 1985 Q.Mother, 1993
     Coron. Anniv., 1995 Q.Mother, etc., with u.m. sets, min.sheets, and numismatic covers.            50.
Europe; album of m. & u. Austria, Belgium, France, Netherlands, and Portugal. (c.2,100)         70.
Foreign; mixed collection in twelve mixed stockbooks and six various albums/folders, with
     a wide coverage inc. Austria, Belgium, Egypt, Italy, Latin America, Monaco, San Marino,
     Scandinavia, USA, etc. (1,000s)                  ..               ..                   ..               ..                �150.
      81     --; odd album of world stamps to about 1930s � pages from different collections, remain-

     dered in places, reasonably useful present in others. (c.1,500+)          ..               ..                    30.
      82     --; small box with a loose mix of hundreds of stamps, generally not the commonest stuff,

     and often cat. at least 50p or �1 each.          ..               ..                   ..               ..                    24.
Scandinavia; mainly used remainders in three albums and stockbook. (100s)   15.
Miniature Sheets; all-world mint and used range in stockalbum. (c.210)            ..                    40.
Thematic; world lot in five small to large stockbooks and a small box. Wide range of
     different subjects inc. Space, Birds, Art, Sport, Refugee Year, Animals, etc. Some high cat.
     items but usually from less popular countries. (Many 100s)                 ..               ..                    60.
      86     --;
Birds; extensive collection in twelve albums, although sometimes quite sparse, very
     often used odds, and all arranged by type/family. Nothing valuable seen, but many included
     that are not often seen. (100s)   ..                 ..               ..                   ..            75.
      87     --;
Europa; collection on stockleaves and hingeless pages of many countries, apparently all
     u.m. and in sets, sometimes with dupl./blocks/sheetlets. (100s)            ..               ..                    75.
      88     --;
Football; a Manchester United selection comprising three small folders of �Victory
     Cards� 2002-5, each with Grenada stamp, plus six framed  items of Man. Utd. philatelia.          20.
      89     --;
Maritime; mainly u.m. colln. in two Westminster albums, with many Columbus as well
     as mixed ships, boats, explorers, etc. (c.235, 56 m.s., 2 coin covers, 1 banknote cover)            30.
      90     --;
Railway; extensive and useful collection in four large stockbooks. Contains many mint
     sets (mainly u.m.), numerous c.t.o. pictorials (packet material style), various odds, a few
     better issues, and a scattering of cinderella items etc. (1,000s)             ..               ..                �150.
      91     --; --; stockbook of mixed m. & u., all duplicates to the previous lots. (100s)
      ..                    20.
      92     --;
Scouting; mixed m. & u. colln. in album, s.t.c.�280+ (100s)         ..               ..                    24.
      93     --; --; bundle of philatelic and commercial covers of mixed countries (c.100), plus a couple

     of publications.       ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    15.
      94     --;
Transport; extensive mint collection in five binders of Hagner pages. The largest part is
     1960s-80s mint sets (c.98% u.m.), covering a wide range of countries. Includes railways,
     ships and boats, aircraft, motor vehicles, a few bicycles. (100s)          ..               ..                �200.
      95     --;
Wildlife; bundle of c.1983-88 WWF issues as a mix of u.m. sets, sets in individual
     FDCs, and maxi-cards. S.t.c. c.�414 for stamps.          ..                   ..               ..                    30.
Covers; six folders in a carton with a colln./accum. of commercial covers, a large propor-
     tion USA but many other countries also. Many are standard/cheap, but there are more inter-
     esting items throughout e.g. censors, airmails, many USA instructionals, etc. (100s)                    80.
      97     --; album with variety of covers inc, 1954 Australia to Edinburgh with cachet for air crash
     at Singapore, India 1911 Coronation Durbar card, 1943 airletter to P.oW. returned to sender,
     a few UK KG6 FDCs, UK 1938 cover with Agriculture Unemployment Insurance stamp
     (probably fake), other airmails, censors, etc. (59)          ..                   ..               ..                    50.
A Buyer�s Premium of 10% (vat-inclusive) will be added to all sale prices.
General, 13 June 2011                               Page 6                                       Estimate.
Collections and Mixed Lots, continued.
      98     Covers; folder with a varied mix of covers and postal stationery, mainly European and
     Scandinavian, but also inc. UK, Americas, etc. Some interesting. (c.53)               ..                    45.
      99     --; seln. of mainly older postal stationery postcards on pages inc. early (1870s) of USA,

     Belgium, etc., and a number of European with hotel cachets. (c.98)        ..               ..                    26.
    100     --; 1957 cover Gilbert & Ellice Islands to Ireland with �DAMAGED BY/WATER� cachet
     (various faults); also six other covers of mixed countries.    ..                   ..            15.
    101     --;
Autographed Covers; 1972 two Canadian souvenir Dam Busters  covers � one signed
     by Leonard Cheshire, the other signed by Arthur Harris, Barnes Wallis, and another
     (Martin ?).                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                �100.
    102     --; --; 1977 Belgian souvenir cover signed by Willy Coppens (a touch grubby), and 1975

     UK souvenir cover signed by RR Stanford Tuck. (Both air aces.) Also UK 1968 hovercraft
     signed cover (poorer).                  ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    20.
     --; --; see also Nepal, U.K.
    103     --;
Aviation; large collection on pages in eight box files of RAF Museum (and similar)
     commemorative covers, many signed. (Estimated c.800) ..                  ..        �100.
    104     --;
Numismatic Covers; selection from about the 1970s of FDCs (UK and foreign) with
     encapsulated sterling silver medallions (11 medallions).   ..                   ..            75.
    105     --;
Scandinavia; box with a duplicated stock of mainly Faroe Islands FDCs c.1978-85,
     plus a smaller quantity of Greenland (inc. ten of 1963 Scottish East Greenland Expedition
     cover, and 14 of Danish Pearyland Expedition cards), a few Iceland. (500+)       ..                    60.
Literature; Kelantan; Its Stamps and Postal History by Reeves & Dexter, 1992.                       6.
    107     --; SG
Stamps of the World catalogue in five volumes, 2006 edition. Well-worn, and with
     the listings marked-up.               ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    20.
    108     --; SG
Commonwealth and Empire 1840-1970 catalogue, 2010 edition.          ..                    15.
    109     --; four mixed titles about stamps and coins.
                 ..                   ..               ..                    12.
    110     Supplies (Second-Hand); two large and heavy cartons well-filled with empty binders,
     stockbooks, etc. (Dozens)         ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    50.
    111     --; five empty KA-BE four-post binders with slipcases, all in blue, ref.DB1000, and another

     similar but 16-ring (ref.DB2000).                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    30.
    112     --; Safe
Signoscope T2 watermark detector, with mains adaptor, in good working order.
     Current retail �97.33.                ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    40.
    113     --; mixed box with two Errimar
Tudor albums (with pages), two empty stockbooks, some
     hinges, mounts, empty packets, old Morley-Bright watermark detector, etc.         ..                    20.
    114     --; big bundle of used Hagner-style pages (single- and double-sided). (Roughly 300)

The Auction Venue

The bar at the venue is open from 6pm, upstairs from the room used for the auction. Apart from traditional bar things (like pints of beer !) it also sells teas and coffees, and will have a supply of filled rolls. Food and drink should not be brought into the auction room during viewing, but can be once the auction starts. Being a rugby club, the catering is of course sensible in terms of quality and price.

Parking is available in the club�s own car park. After 5pm we have unrestricted use of the space, but before that there can sometimes be other people using the sports grounds. If required, can customers please take guidance from Club staff. Of course, parking should be in designated spaces, and disabled bays should be respected.


Running for Caroline

My twin sister Gillian and I both completed the Edinburgh Marathon on 22nd May.  No personal bests this year; I did it in 4hours 51 and my sister took 5 hours 03.  To date we have raised �1,131-81 (plus gift aid !) for Leonard Cheshire Disability and we are both delighted.  A massive thank you to all of you who so kindly donated.

                                                                                                Adrienne Murray

General, 13 June 2011                               Page 7                                       Estimate.
Non-Philatelic Items
    115     Cigarette Cards; shoebox of mainly odds/part sets inc. a few scarcer. Condition quite

     varied, poor to fine. (Many 100s)                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    30.
    116     --; bundles of Doncella cards (100s), plus a few others.
..                   ..            15.
    117     Coins; a bag of UK silver threepences (c.110, mainly 1920s-30s, a few earlier), three
     medals (WW1 pair, plus WW2 BWM), and a few other odds.           ..               ..                    70.
    118     --; four silver coins � Alderney 1993 �1, Solomon Is. 1992 $10, Tonga 1993 1P, and Turks

     & Caicos 1993 20 crowns. Also I.o.M. coin paperweight.                 ..               ..                    50.
    119     --; proof sets for Falkland Islands 1974, 1980, 1982, Guernsey 1981 (2), Jersey 1981 (2),

     and Mauritius 1978. Also three other items. ..               ..                   ..            30.
    120     --; small mix of world coins, including five Irish and one UK 1964-71 with political stamps

     (�UVF�, �UPV�, �1690�, and �IRA�), and one small copper token (apparently 1656 farthing
     of William Wildman in Saffron Wallding [sic.]).              ..                   ..               ..                    20.
    121     --; 1968-75 five diff. presentation cards with F.A.O. coins from various countries (95)
    122     --;
United Kingdom; 1914-67 seln. of halfcrowns (18 pre-47, 20 1947-onwards, some of
     the earlier in EF condition), and silver threepences (17). ..                   ..            50.
    123     --; --; mixture inc. about �15+ face value in UK half-crowns, florins, shillings, and sixpen-

     ces (1947-on), a few odd others, and a small Duke of Wellington brass box.                             26.
    124     --; --; proof sets for 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977 (2), 1978, 1980, 1981,

     1982 (2), and 1983. (15)          ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    60.
    125     --; --;
UK Silver Coins; selection of Queen Victoria odds (crown to 3d), plus a few earlier,
     in average condition. Face value �1.18s.6d. ..               ..                   ..        �100.
    126     --; --; --; selection of Edward VII odds, plus a few KG5 pre-1920, mainly in average con-

     dition, though one or two better. Face value �1.15s.6d. ..                   ..        �100.
    127     --; --; --; tin of KG5 silver coins (1920 onwards), mixed from crown to 3d, mainly average

     condition though odd better. Face value �14.0s.9d.       ..                   ..               ..                �400.
    128     --; --; --; batch of KG6 silver coins (1937-46), mixed from crown to 3d, mainly average

     condition though odd ones better. Face value �8.11s.3d.                    ..               ..                �240.
     Medallions; see Covers (Numismatic).
    129     Postcards; two albums and a bundle, mainly Edwardian period, largely greetings and
     romantic types. (200+) ..              ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    26.
    130     --; Scotland; small lot with five golf-related, five of Kilbarchan, four bowling greens, and
     one more modern St.Kilda.           ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    20.
    131     --;
Modern Cards; massive lot in five fruitboxes, the remains from a charity sale. Great
     majority are modern used/unused, UK/foreign, but with some smaller/sepia cards also.
     (Estimated c.10,000)                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    60.
    132     Silverware; c.1901-8 set of six spoons each having a � baht coin �bowled� to shape at one
     end, and a series of four �bullet coins� in order of size at the other. Shafts may also be silver.
     Gross weight 78g. ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..            30.
    133     Trade Cards; plastic storage box with approx.1,000 Panini (and a few Topps) football

     trading cards.         ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..                                 30.

Tuesday 7 June to Saturday 11 June; viewing of all lots at our shop, normal shop hours
              (Tue 10-6, Wed 2-9, Thu 10-6, Fri 10-6, Sat 10-6).
Monday 13 June; larger lots (marked �
� in the description); on view at auction venue 3pm-6.45pm.
              smaller lots; on view at auction venue 5pm-6.50pm.
Any lots marked �
� will not be taken to the auction venue (viewing at shop only).

Bidding by email ?  Note that we always confirm receipt of email bids (normally within 24 hours, or 1
hour on auction day). If you don�t get a confirmation, try again, or phone us.

A Buyer�s Premium of 10% (vat-inclusive) will be added to all sale prices.
General, 13 June 2011                               Page 8                                       Estimate.
           Classified by Country
    134     Afghanistan; 1932-64 mint range in stockbook (all mint inc. m.s. and sheets), plus sheets
               of 1958 Unesco, 1960 Malaria, and mixed m. & u. on pages (100s).
..            35.
    135     Andorra; French; 1955-58 most of set (missing 12f, 18f), plus Air 200f, mainly f.u., a
     few odd short perfs etc. S.t.c.�300. (18)         ..               ..                   ..               ..                    28.
136     Antigua and Barbuda; early to modern m. & u. colln. on stockleaves, nearly all the value
     in period up to KG5 where there are many stamps cat. pounds each (some �10+). S.t.c.
     �430+ (216, 9 m.s., 3 bkts., 1 FDC)               ..               ..                   ..               ..                    60.
137     Australian States; useful used collection on pages of New South Wales (91), Queensland
     (65), S.Aust. (59), Tasmania (47), Victoria (119), W.Aust. (60). Good general coverage with
     a few classics, many medium values. Condition mainly good/fine, some poorer.                          �100.
    138     --; mainly used colln./mix on pages, in mixed condition but should still be worth attention.
               (500+)   ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    50.
    139     --; small used mix in stockbook (c.230)
       ..               ..                   ..               ..                    20.
    140     --; Queensland; 1860-1911 useful mint and used range on three stockleaves, all identified
     by SG number (and mostly correctly !). Some of the better include mint SG nos. 161a
     (re-entry, no gum, possible cleaned fiscal), 215, 237, 240, 244, 246, 250, 252, 262b, and
     used SG nos. 19, 145, 152, 155, etc. S.t.c. c.�1,390. (89) ..                  ..        �100.
141     --; Western Australia; 1854-1912 m. & u. range on three stockleaves, generally identified
     by SG no. Includes a few earlier Swans, SG 105 heavy m.m., 125-6 m.m., etc. S.t.c. c.�600+
     (74)        ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    50.
142     Australia; 1913-81 used collection in album, with a high degree of completion, and inc.
     1913-14 Kookaburra 6d, good coverage of 'Roos (though without the highest values) and of
     KG5 Heads, most of the better 1930s commems, 1937-49 Robes (all six), etc. Also a few
     AAT and Cocos. (c.850)              ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                �170.
143     --; 1913-75 used colln. in printed album, mainly used colln. in stockbook, two further stock-
     books of used, just a few mint in folder, etc. (100s)       ..                   ..               ..                    60.
144     --; 1914-36 used colln. of KG5 Heads on pages with larger numbers of the low values, but
     usually with shades, and with a few varieties noted. Mainly good/fine. (143)             ..                    45.
145     --; 1913-84 stock in four stockbooks, initially predominantly used, then some more mint
     here and there, and latterly with numbers of u.m. Mixed duplication. Some toning in places
     through bad storage. (1,000s)    ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                �100.
146     --; mix in stockbook, mainly used 'Roos (c.110) and KG5 Heads (c.300), mixed others.           20.
147     --; 1931-36 'Roo 6d v.f.u., 5/- v.f.u., and 10/- g.u. (couple of short perfs), plus three others.        24.
148     --; 1931-36 'Roo �1 grey f.u. but trimmed perfs at top and odd other short perfs. SG 137
     cat.�250.                   ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    12.
149     --; 1934 Macarthur set (4), 1935 ANZAC set (2), 1935 Jubilee set (3), 1936 Telephone set
     (2 + die types), S.Aust. set (3) � each set both m.m. and used, mainly good/fine. Cat.�340+         45.
150     --; 1934 Victoria perf.10� set (3) v.f.u. (c.t.o.), 1937-49 Robes set (3) g.u., and 1948-56
     Arms set (4) f.u., total cat.�96.     ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    24.
151     --; 1935-51 collection of mint imprint blocks inc. 1935 Jubilee 2d, 3d, 1941 surcharges set
     (3), etc. (31, plus 4 imprint pairs, 1 used block). Cat. c.�140+ for singles, mainly fine, a few
     less so.   ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    24.
152     --; 1937-58 colln. on pages with m. & u. stamps FDCs, and other covers. (70, 25 covers)           40.
153     --; small mix of covers and cards inc. some useful airmails (1931 Singapore-London, 1933
     Adelaide-Perth, 1945 Sydney-Singapore per Coriolanus), eleven censors, 1952 with RAAF
      PO/COCOS ISLAND c.d.s., a few picture postcards, etc. (41)                ..               ..                    45.
154     --; Postal Stationery; small colln. of used and unused late-KG6/early QE items. (24)                  15.
    155     Australian Antarctic Territory; 1954-55 seln. of six covers and cards for the Australian
               National Antarctic Research Expeditions � four with Mawson cancels, one MacQuarie Is.,
               one Perth.                  ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    12.
is the symbol indicating that the lot will not be taken to the auction room.

General, 13 June 2011                               Page 9                                       Estimate.
    156     Austria; Postage Dues; 1894-1957 mint and used collection on pages, with 1894-95 set (9)
     used (the 7k m.), 1919 set (11) m., 1925-34 5s f.u., etc. S.t.c.�450. (245)             ..                    60.
157     Bahamas; 1863-1997 decent m. & u. collection on stockleaves, the strength before 1970s
     inc. several better/higher catalogued stamps, mainly fine though a few poorer. S.t.c.�675.
     (266, 1 m.s.)             ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    45.
158     --; 1902-10 2�d, 4d orange, 6d, 1/- brownish-grey & carmine, and 5/- m.m./l.m.m./u.m.,
     cat.�117. (5)             ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    30.
159     Bahrain; 1933-37 seln. of nine different values f.u. inc. 2a (inverted wmk.), 1r, 2r. Cat.�75.         20.
160     --; 1948 S.Wedding, Olympics, 1949 UPU, and 1953 Coronation sets l.m.m. (Cat.�54. for
     u.m.)      ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    12.
161     Belgium; 1936-49 Lion 35c seln. of 19, each with se-tenant advertising label, all-different
     (some as different languages) u.m., mainly fine. ..               ..                   ..            15.
    162     --; 1930-76 seln. of mint miniature sheets inc. 1930 Antwerp Exhib. (cancelled on margin,
               cat.�225 or �170, various faults), 1936 Borgerhout Exhib. (�90, smaller faults), etc. Also
               one used. (17), Also 1926, 1927, 1928 Anti-Tb sets m.m./unu.             ..               ..                    45.
    163     Bermuda; 1883-1980 in stockbook m. & u., often with duplication, some high values in
     KG6/QE. (c.900) ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    60.
    164     Brasil; 1933 large piece with 1932 Zeppelin 7$000 (3) and two other stamps. Condor side-
               stamp, German backstamp. Stamps SG512 cat.�27 each = �81.           ..               ..                    15.
    165     British Guiana; 1862-1934 m. & u. colln. on pages with a number of better values e.g.
     1862-65 1c m.m., 2c, 4c, 24c u., 1863-76 values to 48c, 1889 values to 48c, 1907-10 set
     (6) m.m./unu., 1913-21 short set to 72c m.m., 1921-27 set (11) m.m., etc. (c.170) �100.
166     Bosnia and Hercegovina; 1879-1918 attractive mint and used range on stockleaf with
     some slight duplication. Includes 1879-1901 Arms issues, 1906 set (16) m./u., 1910 Birthday
     set (16) l.m.m., 1912 new values (3) m.m., 1912-14 set (21) f.u. (creases on 10k), 1916 set
     (18) m.m., 1917 set (18) m.m., etc. S.t.c.�700+ (162)     ..                   ..               ..                    80.
167     Brunei; 1947-51 set (14) m.m., SG 79-92 (cat.�110. for u.m.)            ..               ..                    15.
    168     Cambodia; 1951-73 (therefore inc. Khmer Republic) u.m. and used colln. in album with
               many medium/better values and sets, inc. 1953 Air set (9) u.m., 1955 New Currency and
               Coronation sets in u.m. fourblocks, 1961 Peace both m.s. u.m., etc. (124, 19 m.s.)
    169     Canada; Vancouver Island; 1865 perforated 5c fine used, centred to lower-right. SG 13
     cat.�180.                   ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    40.
170     Canada; 1859-1983 useful used collection in album, most useful for earlier years, with
     1859 set (5) used with faults, 1868-90 Large Queens (12), various Small Queens, 1893 20c,
     50c, 1898-1902 set (11), 1903-12 set (7),  various high values and coils in KG5 and KG6.
     Also range of Newfoundland. (c.1,000)           ..               ..                   ..               ..                �100.
    171     --; 1859-1980 m. & u. collection in Lighthouse printed album. Early years more sketchy
     and in quite mixed condition but still with useful, moderate KE7/KG5, stronger from KG6
     when colln. becomes more complete and quality is generally better though some m.m. still
     in 1960s, then mainly u.m. S.t.c.�1,500+ (c.800+)        ..                   ..               ..                �100.
    172     --; 1868-1982 m. & u. colln. on pages, most interest and value in period up to about 1946
     (which is s.t.c.�712). (100s)      ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    35.
173     --; 1897 Jubilee �c to 5c, 8c, 10c, 20c mixed m.m./unused, several faults. Cat.�372. (8)             20.
174     --; 1908 Quebec set (missing 10c) m.m./unused with mixed faults. Cat. c.�370. (7) 20.
175     --; 1928-29 defin set (11) m.m. - the $1 a bit poorer. SG 275-285 cat.�350.         ..                    45.
176     --; 1928-29 set (11), 1935 set (11), 1937-38 set (11), and 1942-48 set (missing 10c), mainly
     used. S.t.c.�330.       ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    30.
177     --; 1930-31 defin set (16) m.m., mainly good/fine but the $1 without gum and possibly
     thinned. Cat.�275.     ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    40.
178     --; 1935-51 mainly mint colln. on pages with complete sets of 1935, 1937-38, 1942-48,
     1946-47, various coils, special delivery, etc. Generally fine l.m.m. S.t.c.�930. (148) 85.
A Buyer�s Premium of 10% (vat-inclusive) will be added to all sale prices.
General, 13 June 2011                               Page 10                                     Estimate.
    179     Canada; 1935-48 mint (mainly fine l.m.m./m.m.) selection of defins inc. values to $1,
     some coils. S.t.c.�330. (31)          ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    35.
180     --; 1937-38 defin set (11) m.m., small thin on 50c (cat.�170), plus 1942-48 War Effort 14c
     u.m. fourblock (mtd. on margin, centred right) (cat.�100). ..                   ..            30.
181     --; used colln. in stockbook, all periods, but best for the modern. (c.1,060 different)                  12.
182     --; packet with about 500 modern used stamps on paper, mainly commems.        ..                    15.
    183     Ceylon; mint and used mix of most periods inc. Sri Lanka. (c.1,000) ..            30.
    184     China; People�s Republic; 1952 Radio Gymnastics complete set of ten fourblocks (corner
     marginal, some with serial numbers) unused. Presumed to be the reprints.                ..                    10.
    185     --; --; 1978 Galloping Horses miniature sheet fine unmounted mint. SG MS2781,

     cat.�200.                   ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                �200.
Colombia; mainly used on stockleaves from early years up to about 1970, some duplication.
     (100s)                    ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    20.
    187     Cook Islands; early to modern m. & u. in stockbook (c.400+)          ..               ..                    24.
188     Dominica; 1953-77 complete used colln. on pages, inc. 1954-62 set (19 + 2 shades),
     1963-65 set (18), 1969-72 set (19). (392, 5 m.s.)            ..                   ..               ..                    30.
189     Egypt; 1927-59 u.m. seln. of fourblocks (inc. two blocks with paper fold varieties) s.t.c.
     �146+; also Gaza 1955-59 seln. of u.m. fourblocks s.t.c.�105.              ..               ..                    50.
    190     Falkland Islands; 1963 FfH, 1966 Churchill, 1974 Tourism (2p, 4p damaged), and River
     Plate sets u.m., cat.�56.                ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    12.
    191     Faroe Islands; 1975-84 first day covers complete in album. all illus., mixed typed or
               unaddressed. (95)
..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    20.
    192     Fiji; 1878-c.1980 m. & u. range on stockleaves, with 1906-12 5/- m.m., 1912-23 odds to 5/-
     m.m., 1922-29 2/- m.m., 1938-55 various values inc. 10/-, �1 m.m., etc. (c.250)   ..                    60.
    193     --; 1912-23 �1 die I fine m.m., a couple of perfs at foot slightly short. SG 137 cat.�275.              50.
194     France; mainly 1920s-70s colln. in stockbook, mixed used, m.m., and u.m. (c.930)                  26.
195     --; 1949 CITT 100f, 1954 Aircraft set (4, crease at top of 200f, 1000f l.m.m.), 1955 Basti�
     50f, and 1957-59 Aircraft set (3, slight bend on 500f), all u.m. airmails. Cat. �640. 90.
196     --; 1975-76 (1976) Coin precancels 50c, 60c, 90c, and 1f60, each in u.m. imperforate four-
     block.     ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    15.
197     --; Booklets; Red Cross booklets for 1956, 1957, and 1963 to 1995 inclusive, all fine u.m.,
     cat.�635.                   ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    90.
198     French Area; stockbook with mixed m. & u. lot of colonies/former colonies. (c.1,200)             20.
199     --; Africa; album with m. & u. collection of French Colonies and their independent
     successors generally up to about 1970s. Mainly odds, and mainly cheap or medium values,
     but a good wide spread. Just a few non-African. (Many 100s)            ..               ..                    60.
200     German Area; m. & u. mix in stockbook inc. many Third Reich (inc. Bohemia & Moravia,
     Poland), some Saar, etc., and inc. some dupl. (c.960)                         ..               ..                    30.
201     --; broken stockbook of Danzig, W�rttemberg, Upper Silesia, Saar, Memel, and others.
     (c.820)                  ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    35.
202     Germany; 1903-55 m. & u. seln. on pages of Officials (129), Air (50), Newspaper (2),
     Military (4). S.t.c.�570.                ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    50.
203     --; album with m. & u. mix, fair number of Third Reich. Mixed condition. (c.730) 30.
204     --; bulk lot in eight stockbooks plus album and pages. Most quantity in used post-WW2,
     but some better interest in places in earlier years. (1,000s)                  ..               ..                    75.
205     --; stockbook of sparse but dupl. used 2006-9, and an album each of FDCs and maxi-cards.
     Also a few UN Flags FDCs.     ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    15.
206     --; bag with 1,000 charity stamps used on paper, larger size, from 1980s up to about 2006,
     mainly cat �2 to �5 each.           ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    50.
207     --; a similar packet, but of 500 stamps.         ..               ..                   ..               ..                    26.
208     --; a similar packet of approx.500 stamps, mixed commems and charity stamps; plus a stock-
     card with 5 or 10 each of 13 different charity stamps used off-paper (these s.t.c.�348).             40.
General, 13 June 2011                               Page 11                                     Estimate.
    209     Germany; packet of about 1,000 commem stamps used on paper.    ..            20.
    210     --; Allied Occupation; 1946 American-British-Soviet miniature sheet m.m. (bend at end)
               SG MS915a (cat.�90 for u.m.), and 1949 British-American Hanover Fair m.s. m.m.
               (creased) (MSA145, �120).         ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    15.
    211     --; West Berlin; 1949 UPU set (7) g./f.u. (cat.�400),  Goethe set (3) fairly heavily mounted
     mint (cat.�400 for u.m.), and surcharges set (4) poor used (�42).           ..               ..                    80.
    212     --; --; 1949-90 u.m. collection in Lighthouse hingeless album � patchy in early years (but
              inc. some better), then near-complete from about 1955 onwards. S.t.c.�2,038.
    213     --; --; 1949 Buildings 1pf, 4pf, 8pf, 10pf, 20pf, 40pf, 80pf (short perf) all u.m., plus 25pf,
               50pf, 60pf, 2m u.m. but with slight gum disturbance, and 30pf l.m.m. Cat.�322. (12) 35.
    214     --; --; 1949 UPU 1m and 2m fine u.m., the 2m centred slightly to left. SG B59-60 cat.�390.        60.
    215     --; --; 1949 surcharges 10pf and 20pf fine u.m., SG B65-66 cat.�120.  ..            26.
    216     --; East Germany; 1950
DEBRIA miniature sheet m.m. (SG MSE29a, cat.�200 for u.m.),
               1954 Stamp Day m.s. (horiz. wmk.) u.m. with touch of toning, and same f.u. (MSE200b,
               �65 each), and 1955 Engels m.s. u.m. (MSE233a, �85).                       ..               ..                    60.
    217     --; --; 1953 Marx pair of perf. m.s. u.m. though with some small tone spots, and pair of
               imperf. m.s. m.m. SG MSE111a-b, cat.�500.  ..               ..                   ..            50.
    218     German Colonies and Post Offices Abroad; Morocco; 1905 mainly used seln. of odd
     values to 2p50c (SG 36 cat.�190, f.u. but couple of short perfs) and 3p75c (25x16 holes, SG
     37a cat.�75, f.u.)1906-11 watermarked short set to 50c (SG 45 cat.�190, f.u. on piece), and
     two odds of 1911-18. Total s.t.c.�430. (20)    ..               ..                   ..               ..                    80.
219     Gibraltar; 1886-1938 m. & u. seln. of mainly better values, poor to fine, inc. 1889-96 25c
     l.m.m., 1938 �1 l.m.m., total cat.�321. (21)     ..               ..                   ..               ..                    35.
220     --; 1935 S.Jubilee 2d mint corner pair (mounted on margin only), the upper stamp with the
     �Extra Flagstaff� variety (SG 114a cat.�70).    ..               ..                   ..               ..                    22.
221     Greece; 1927-35 pictorial defin 5d l.m.m., 10d type I m.m., 15d m.m. (2), and 25d type I
     m.m. Some light bends/wrinkles, possibly natural. SG 420-423 cat.�943. (5)          ..                �150.
    222     --; 1930-55 useful mint and used collection on a few pages. Includes 1939 Ionian Islands
               set f.u. (the 4d m.m.), 1940 Entente set (2) m.m., 1946-47 surcharges 5000d on 15,000d
               g.u. (black), 1946-47 Victory 5,000d m.m., 1947-51 Dodecanese 700d green, 1,500d,
               2,000d, 5,000d m.m., etc. S.t.c.�1,000. (187)                 ..                   ..               ..                �120.
    223     Greenland; 1938-99 reasonable m. & u. colln. on stockleaves, many medium values, and
     inc. 1945 ABNC 7� l.m.m., 1956 surcharges set (2) u.m., etc. S.t.c.�418. (230, 1 m.s.)              60.
     Grenada; see Thematic (Football).
Hong Kong; 1862-1901 small QV seln. inc. 1862-63 12c g.u. (cat.�60), 24c g.u. (�110),
     1877 16c g.u. (�65), 1880 10c on 12c g.u. (�55), etc. (9) ..                   ..            45.
    225     --; 1891 Jubilee 2c fine lightly mounted mint. SG 51 cat.�475.               ..               ..                �120.

226     Iceland; 1925 Views set (5) mounted mint, small thins on 20a. SG 151-5 cat.�300. 45.
227     --; 1938-85 colln. of FDCs in album, mainly 1950s-80s, inc. 1938 Independence (2nd day,
     stamps cat.�28). (30)                ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    15.
228     --; Officials; 1873-1930 mint and used seln. on two pages inc. 1873 4sk unu. (fair, no gum),
     1876-95 set (6) mixed m./u. (and mixed condition), 1896-1900 4a, 10a f.u. (security stamp
     on reverse), 1920-30 set (10) mixed m./u., etc. S.t.c.�600+ (50)           ..               ..                    70.
229     India; 1854-55 4a blue & red horizontal pair from the fourth printing (2�mm between
     stamps) sound used, cut-to-shape at left and right of pair, margins most of the way around.
     Shows large part of sheet watermark;. SG 23 cat.�1,300. ..                   ..        �100.
230     --; 1854 1a � four used examples (from good four-margin to about 2�-margin), and 2a �
     two used examples (one with four good margins, one four margins but closer). Cat.�260.              50.
231     --; 1856-64 no wmk. �a, 1a, 2a dull pink, 2a yellow/orange (2), 4a black, 4a grey-black, 4a
     green, and 8a, all used, generally about sound to fine. Cat.�176. (9)       ..               ..                    24.
232     --; 1866 6a opt. on fiscal g./f.u., quite good for these. SG 68 cat.�180.  ..            40.
A Buyer�s Premium of 10% (vat-inclusive) will be added to all sale prices.
General, 13 June 2011                               Page 12                                     Estimate.
    233     India; 1911-22 set (19) mainly fine used, plus several shades. Cat.�110+ (39)       ..                    24.
234     --; 1948 Gandhi set (4) heavily mounted mint. (Cat.�190 for u.m.)         ..               ..                    40.
235     Indian States; two stockleaves with m. & u. seln. of Indore (30) and Jaipur (25), inc.
     several cat. pounds each.              ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    15.
236     --; Kishangarh; 1899-1936 m. & u. selection, by far the best of which is 1904-10 used 4a
     (damaged), 8a, 1r, 2r. Total s.t.c.�450. (27)    ..               ..                   ..               ..                    75.
237     --; Soruth; 1878-1929 m. & u. selection, better inc. 1929 defin set (8) m.m. (cat.�75., short
     corner on 2a). (35)    ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    26.
    238     Ireland; 1922-96 m. & u. colln. in album, nearly all as m.m. sets from about 1980 onwards.
               S.t.c.�750+ (c.750)
                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    70.
    239     --; 1922 Thom opt. set (14) m.m./u.m., mainly fine (SG 30-43 cat.�110); also five 1938-46
     commem sets u.m. (cat.�31).        ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    35.
    240     --; 1925-29 Seahorses set (3) with narrow date opts. l.m.m./m.m., SG 83-85 cat.�225. The
               5/- has a small break in the �O�, and the 10/- shows little trace of the accent in the first line.           75.
    241     --; 1940-68 1d u.m. vertical pair perf. 14 x imperf, bend on upper stamp. SG 112b cat.�60
               each = �120.             ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    30.
    242     --; c.1940-94 (little before 1983) mint (mainly u.m.) and used in stockbook, with slight dupl.
     (c.600, 21 m.s./panes, 13 booklets)             ..               ..                   ..               ..                    45.
243     --; bag of approx. 500 used stamps on paper from about 2008-10 (all 55c values, generally
     cat.�1.25 to �1.60 each), and another bag with 500g of mixed modern highly duplicated on-
     paper.                    ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    15.
    244     Italy; 1891-1913 small mint seln. inc. 1901 5 lire, 1905 15c on 20c, 1906 15c, 1910 (April)
     Plebiscite set (2), 1911 Kingdom (2 sets, plus 3 odds), 1912 Campanile set (2), etc. Mainly
     fine, a few faults. S.t.c.�500+ (33)                   ..               ..                   ..               ..                    40.
245     --; 1942-61 useful mint collection on pages and stockcard with reasonable level of complete-
     ness and with better inc. 1949 Venice Art Exhib. set (4) m.m., UPU l.m.m. (short perfs),
     Health Congress, 1950 UN Conference 55 lire l.m.m., Holy Year set (2) m.m., D'Arezzo 20
     lire m.m., 1951 Tuscan Stamp set (2) l.m.m., Milan Fair set (2) m.m., Fashion m.m.,
     Montecassino set (2) m.m., etc. Total s.t.c.�1,580. (267) ..                   ..        �160.
246     Italian Colonies, Occupations, and Post Offices Abroad; useful range on a few pages
     inc. Dodecanese Islands 1932 Dante 100 lire f.u. (cat.�85), POs in Turkish Empire
     (Durazzo) 1909-11 30pa m.m., German Occupation of Zara seln. inc. 35c u.m. (�275), etc.
     Total s.t.c.�800. (93) ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..        �100.
    247     --; Dodecanese Islands; 1934 Football Air set (4) u.m., SG 133-136 (cat.�116 for m.m.).        40.
    248     --; Tripolitania; 1923-34 m. & u. selection with a few sets/better values, mainly fine
     though a few slightly poorer. S.t.c.�265. (44)   ..               ..                   ..            35.
    249     Japan; 1871-88 mainly used colln. on pages, the seven square Dragons almost certainly
               forgeries, as probably are some of the subsequent issues. (78)                ..               ..                    40.
    250     Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika; British East Africa; 1890-97 mint and used selection
     inc. 1895 opt. 1a heavy m.m., 5r f.u. (forgery ?), 1897 2� on 3a unu. (thin), etc. Total s.t.c.
     �728., but this inc. some dubious or damaged. (31)           ..                   ..               ..                    30.
    251     --; m. & u. colln. in album strongest in 1963-76, but little before that. Consists of l.m.m.
               sets and some used. (100s)
      ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    60.
    252     --; 1938-54 seln. of values to 5/- and 10/- m.m./l.m.m. (18)                  ..               ..                    20.
253     Kuwait; 1958-60 defin set (13) in u.m. fourblocks (except 40np blue � single only). SG
     131-143 cat.�98.      ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    24.
254     --; 1958-2000 mint and used collection on stockleaves (no mint after 1973), the mint usually
     u.m. and often in sets. Includes 1961 defin 1d, 3d u.m., full set u., 1964 defin set (19) u.m.,
     1969-74 set (14) u.m., etc. S.t.c.�750. (100s)                  ..                   ..               ..                �120.

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General, 13 June 2011                               Page 13                                     Estimate.
    255     Kuwait; Officials; 1929-33 1a, and 3a to 15r (i.e. full set except for 2a) in attractive mint
     blocks of four, with most stamps u.m. (often l.m.m. on one stamp in each block). Tone spot
     on one 4a, 1r is centred left and has one with small tone spot, small black spot on one 2r,
     tiniest tone spot on one 5r. The important 15r block is fine and fresh with one l.m.m. plus
     three u.m., and centred just a little low. SG O16, O19-O27, cat.�1,360.                ..                �350.
    256     Laos; 1951-75 u.m. and used colln. in album inc. some pairs and blocks. S.t.c.�400+
               (242, 13 m.s., 1 FDC)
             ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    80.
    257     Liechtenstein; 1925-54 small but useful mint selection comprising 1925 and 1927 Birthday
     sets (3), 1930 Pictorial odds inc. 50r perf.11� x 12� (creased), 1930 Air set (6), 1932
     Zeppelin 2m, 1953 Paintings set (4, corner crease on 40r), 1954 surcharges set (3). Mainly
     good/fine, some redistributed gum. Cat.�664. (25)            ..                   ..               ..                    80.
    258     Luxembourg; 1926-58 useful mint and used collection on old pages with numerous sets.
               Includes 1949 UPU set (4) m.m., 1951 United Europe set (6) f.u. (the 2f m.m.), 1952
CENTILUX 2f-4f pair l.m.m., 1956 Europa 3f m.m., etc. S.t.c.�1,000. (c.190, 1 m.s.)                    90.
    259     --; 1938 Echternach (tiny natural spot in gum of 3f), 1949 Nat.Welfare, 1952 Nat.Welfare
               (couple of gum faults), 1954 Nat.Welfare, 1956 Coal & Steel u.m. sets. Cat.�170. (S.o.W.)        35.
    260     --; 1950 War Orphans set (6) u.m., slight bend on 2f, cat.�165.            ..               ..                    30.
    261     Madeira; 1980-94 u.m. colln. in Lindner hingeless album, comprising stamps, miniature
               sheets, and booklets. S.t.c.�340+
               ..               ..                   ..               ..                    50.
    262     Malagasy Republic; 1966-69 lot of illus. FDCs, some hand-addressed, mainly unaddressed,
               often two or three of each. (120)
                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    20.
    263     Malaya; pages with a mix of mainly used, mainly QV to early QE, of Straits Settlements,
               States, BMA, and Malaysia. (100s)                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    35.
    264     --; Straits Settlements; 1867-1941 decent m. & u. range on stockleaves, from 1867-72
               used values to 96c, 1880-81 10c/6c, 10c/12c m.m.,
1882 10c wmk. Crown CC g.u., 1882
     2c g.u., 1883-91 set (9, plus 3 extras), 1904-10 odds to $1 u., 1906-12 values to $2 u.,
     1921-22 used odds to $5, etc. Total cat. approx.�1,650. (c.250)          ..               ..                �150.
    265     --; Straits Settlements; 1906-23 small mainly used seln. inc. 1912-23 $2 and $5. S.t.c.
     �300+ (30)               ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    45.
    266     Malta; 1863-2000 mint and used colln. in three printed albums (Borek 1863-1975 and
               1976-89, Lighthouse 1990-2000) with 1889-1901 10/- g.u., 1938-43 and 1948-53 sets g.u.,
               1949 S.Wedding �1 l.m.m., many u.m. sets about 1963-98. (100s) Also a stockbook of
               mixed and a few pages.
            ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                �120.
    267     --; bag with approx.500 used stamps on paper, mainly modern larger stamps.      ..                    12.
268     --; Postage Dues; 1925-70s mounted mint selection inc. 1925 set plus various dupl.,
     numerous Maltese Cross type from different issues inc. fourblocks of 1967-70. (102, 12
     blocks). Some toning and/or gum faults.           ..               ..                   ..               ..                    30.
269     Mauritius; 1938-49 defin set (12) l.m.m. (bend on 20c), SG 252-263 (cat.�100 for u.m.)          15.
270     Micronesia; c.1984-91 u.m. mix in stockbook. (c.125, 14 m.s.)       ..               ..                    12.
    271     Monaco; 1885-1990 (majority pre-1960) m. & u. range on stockleaves, all-different (some
               present both m. & u.) and mainly fine. Cat.�779. (386)     ..                   ..               ..                    80.
    272     --; 1949 UPU �Epreuve de Luxe� in form of m.s., containing 10f, 40f, 50f, and 100f u.m.             15.
    273     Morocco Agencies; British Currency; 1907-13 set (8) l.m.m./m.m. (the 1d more heavily
     hinged), SG 31-38 cat.�150.        ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    40.
274     --; --; 1914-31 short set to 2/6 l.m.m./m.m., SG 42-49, 51, cat.�85.     ..               ..                    24.
275     --; --; 1935-37 set (9) l.m.m., SG 66-74 cat.�75.            ..                   ..               ..                    24.
276     --; Spanish Currency; 1907-12 12pts l.m.m., SG 123 cat.�80.           ..               ..                    24.
    277     Mozambique; bundle of pages from mixed collections, mixed periods (though little
               modern), plus loose stamps, etc., apparently gathered with the intention of forming into a
               collection (100s). In addition, an unused  Britannia printed album for Mozambique 1877
               to 1980 (retails at �41).
            ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    70.
A Buyer�s Premium of 10% (vat-inclusive) will be added to all sale prices.
General, 13 June 2011                               Page 14                                     Estimate.
    278     Nepal; 1978 Everest Anniversary FDC with encapsulated silver medallion, cover signed by
               Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary.
           ..               ..                   ..               ..                    15.
    279     Netherlands; 1876-1900 mainly used seln. on page from an old album, with 1872-91 King
               William values to 22�c, 1g, 1891-94 Queen Wilhelmina small 1g, large 50c, 1g, 2g50, 5g,
               etc. Mixed condition but mainly fair to fine. Total s.t.c.�1,300+ (45)       ..        �140.
    280     Netherlands; 1852-63 10c f.u. (4 margins, close at left, minor bend, cat.�23), 1872-91
     50c poor u. (�13�), and 1899-1923 short set to 5g mainly g./f.u. (�39).                ..                    15.
281     --; 1869-76 Arms values to 2�c, 1872-91 King William values to 2g50, mainly used,
     mainly good/fine. S.t.c.�580. (16) ..                 ..               ..                   ..            50.
282     New Hebrides; English Language; 1938 5c to 50c l.m.m., 5f m.m. (some adherence on
     gum), and 10f l.m.m., SG 52-59, 62-63 (cat. c.�300 for u.m.)               ..               ..                    50.
283     --; --; Postage Dues; 1938 set (5) with horseshoe SPECIMEN perfin, mainly fine mounted,
     but toning on 5c, tiny tone spot on 1f. SG D6s-10s cat.�140.                 ..               ..                    20.
284     --; French Language; 1941 �France Libre� set (12) u.m. - small mark on gum of 20c, and
     mixed degrees of toning on 40c, 50c, 2f. SG F65-F76, cat.�180.          ..               ..                    30.
285     --; --; Postage Dues; 1941 �France Libre� set (5) u.m., lightly toned patch on 40c. SG
     FD77-81 cat.�90.     ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    22.
286     New Zealand; packet with approx. 400 stamps used, mainly on paper, generally quite
     modern 80c to $2 values.          ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    15.
287     --; Back-of-the-Book; mint and used mix in stockbook of Life Insurance (c.220+), Officials
     (300+), Postal Fiscals (46), Postage Dues (4).              ..                   ..               ..                    50.
    288     North Borneo; small mainly used lot on pages up to about 1950 (74). Also a few Labuan
               (37).       ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    20.
    289     Nyasaland; 1891-95 1/- fair m.m., 2/- fair unused, 1897-1900 4/- and �1 (creased) with
     fiscal cancels, and 1897 1d on 3/- m.m. and u.                  ..                   ..               ..                    20.
290     Palestine; 1918-44 small m. & u. colln. on a few pages (87), plus a few Transjordan,
     Jordan, and Israel.     ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    24.
     --; see also Egypt.
    291     Philippines; 1950s duplicated m. & u. on stockleaves. (100s)               ..               ..                    10.
    292     Portugal; 1850s-1930s mint and used mix on pages and stockleaf inc. many medium or
               better, though condition variable. S.t.c.�4,750. (500+)      ..                   ..               ..                    90.
    293     --; 1954-66 seln. of sets on stockleaf, mainly mint (largely l.m.m./m.m., some u.m.) plus a
               few used. S.t.c.�500+ (c.60 sets) ..                 ..               ..                   ..            50.
    294     --; 1981-85 Tiles album with u.m. miniature sheets (25) and stamps (20).
           ..                    18.
    295     Rhodesia; 1892-93 �1 with black circular cancel (but possibly fiscal), and �10 with perfin,
     plus 1913-22 10/- perfins (2).       ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    24.
296     Saar; 1920-59 extensive mint and used collection on stockleaves with representation of all
     periods. Includes 1933 Neukirchen set (3) m.m. (some adhesion on gum), 1950 Kolping
     l.m.m., 1957 both Heuss sets (each of 20) u.m., etc. Mainly fine/v.f. S.t.c.�959. (465)              �100.
297     --; 1950 Council of Europe 200f fine used, tiniest pale blue stain at top. SG 295 cat.�325.            35.
    298     Saint Helena; 1864-1986 m. & u. colln. in stockbook. Small range of QV-KG5 issues
               (though a few medium values), better from KG6 on, with 1938-44 10/- g.u., 1953-59 defin
               set (13) u.m., later defin sets and many commem sets, mainly u.m.
     ..            90.
    299     --; mix in stockbook, mainly mint (largely u.m., some m.m.), mainly decimal sets . (c.325)
    300     Saint Kitts-Nevis; mint/unused and used QV seln. of Saint Christopher (11, cat. c.�170),
     and Nevis (13, cat. c.�460). Mainly sound to fine.            ..                   ..               ..                    75.
301     Seychelles; early to modern m. & u. in stockbook. (c.400)               ..               ..                    30.
302     Singapore; 1948-68 m. & u. range on stockleaves inc. 1955-59 short set to $2 l.m.m.,
     1962-66 m.m. odds to $5, etc. S.t.c.�295. (121)             ..                   ..               ..                    35.
    303     Slesvig; 1920 1m, 2m, 5m and 10m in c.t.o. marginal pairs. SG 11-14 cat.�135.                         24.

General, 13 June 2011                               Page 15                                     Estimate.
    304     Somaliland Protectorate; 1903-60 m. & u. colln. on three stockleaves inc. many medium
     values, 1905-11 set (9) m.m., 1912-19 1r, 2r m.m., 1921 3r l.m.m., few later. S.t.c.�229.
     (67)        ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    45.
    305     South Africa; early to fairly modern mainly used colln. on pages with some better values,
               and inc. some States. (100s)         ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    35.
    306     Spain; c.1982-92 collection in two large albums, mainly of commems, usually with u.m.
     set, set used on cover, and FDC. (100s)      ..               ..                   ..               ..                    20.
    307     Surinam; 1936-53 mint collection on a few old pages inc. much in sets. Inc. 1936-39
               Wilhemina set (12), various charity sets, 1945 Air surcharges (3), 1948-51 defin set (25),
               1950 Cancer set (4), postage due set (11), defin set (10). Much is u.m. S.t.c.�900. (143)             90.
    308     Sweden; 1961-82 colln. in album of Nobel Prize Winner issues, normally with u.m. set and
               FDC for each set. (51, 3 m.s., 18 FDCs). Also album of late-1960s to 1980s FDCs, cards,
               and postal stationery, and a couple of other items.
         ..                   ..               ..                    30.
    309     --; mainly 1920s-60s selection of covers, cards, and postal stationery inc. several military
               (inc. UN forces in Cyprus and Egypt), etc. (67)                ..                   ..               ..                    20.
    310     Switzerland; 1923-48 used selection of Airmails inc. 1923-40 35c Wings (ordinary paper),
     75c, 2f (ordinary paper), 1932 Disarmament 90c, 1946 Special Flight 1f50, etc. Mainly fine
     though a couple of small minor thins. S.t.c.�500. (24)        ..                   ..               ..                    50.
311     --; 1914-18 3f rose-carmine (diag. crease), and 10f deep mauve, mounted mint. SG 295,
     297, cat.�120 and �130.              ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    40.
312     --; 1945 War Relief (Lifeboat) miniature sheet u.m. but gum disturbance down one side. SG
     MS446a cat.�275.    ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    30.
313     --; 1950 Official opt. set (11) heavy m.m. (cat.�95 for u.m.), and 1950 International Labour
     Office set (11) l.m.m. (cat.�140 for u.m.).        ..               ..                   ..               ..                    24.
314     --; bag with approx.500 charity stamps used on paper, 1960s-2000s.                 ..                    20.
315     --; Pro Juventute; 1913-27 complete colln. on three pages, mixed m.m. and used (some-
     times both). Mainly good/fine, a few faults. S.t.c.�720. (56)                   ..               ..                    55.
316     --; --; 1915-19 seln. of 12 different plus 3 duplicates, all good/fine used. Cat.�642. 65.
317     Tristan da Cunha; Booklets; 1958 3/6 booklet fine and complete. SB SB2 cat.�55.                  15.
    318     Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; approx. 1935-90 (a few earlier) mint and used collec-
               tion in large stockbook, with little dupl. (c.950, 25 m.s.)
..                  ..            40.
    319     United States of America; 1968-87 close to complete u.m. collection in album, inc.
               miniature sheets, some booklets and precancels. Includes 1976 Paintings m.s. (4), 1982
               Birds & Flowers sheet, 1985 Eagle (2 singles, 2 bkts.), 1986 Presidents m.s. (4), 1987
               Wildlife sheet, etc. S.t.c.�1,335. Face value c.$370. (100s)
              ..               ..                �240.
    320     --; 1987 Wildlife set of 50 individual illus. FDCs, and set of 50 maxi-cards, all with Capex
     cancels.                  ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    15.
    321     --; Newspaper Stamps; 1865 unused set of three perf.12, almost certainly the 1875 reprints,
               but each with paper adherence on back. 5c is dark blue, straight edge at top, some other perf
               faults, 10c deep green, straight edge at foot, few short perfs, 25c carmine-red, straight edge
               at foot. SG N79-N81 cat.�400.   ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    60.
    322     Vatican City; 1948 Air Raphael and Tobias set (2) � the 250 lire l.m.m., centred to lower-
     left, tiny thin, the 500 lire l.m.m., quite well centred, slightly rough perfs at top. SG 137-8,
     (cat.�65 and �950 for u.m.)          ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                �100.
    323     Vietnam; 1952-60 mint selection, mainly fine u.m., slight dupl., several better. S.t.c.�260.
               (31)        ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    20.
    324     Yugoslavia; 1918 Bosnian War Invalids' overprints set (4) fine mounted mint. The 5+2h
     and 10+2h claret are fine, the cheaper two have faults (crease, short perfs). SG 19-22 cat.
     �325.     ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    75.
325     Zanzibar; 1896 �a, 2�d (thin), 7�a m.m., 1896 various values to 2r u., 4r m.m., 1898 four
     used odd values. S.t.c.�320+ (21)                   ..               ..                   ..               ..                    60.
A Buyer�s Premium of 10% (vat-inclusive) will be added to all sale prices.

General, 13 June 2011                               Page 16                                     Estimate.




     Our dates for the next season have yet to be set, but we often start about the very end of August      
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              United Kingdom
    326     1840 Penny Black BH (fine used with four margins though close at one point, red MC,
     small thin), and another SJ (g.u. with 3� margins, smudged red MC).     ..            70.
327     1840 Penny Black DK (fine used with light red MC, four margins, close at lower-left), and
     1840 Twopence Blue OB (fine used, black MC, three margins).            ..               ..                    70.
328     1840 Penny Black TC (fine used on piece with 3 margins, red MC), and 1840 Twopence
     Blue KK (g.u. with 3 margins, black MC, small corner thin).                  ..               ..                    60.
329     1840 Penny Black PE (4 margin but very close at foot and top-right, smudged red MC), and
     another PG (3 margin, red MC, crease).          ..               ..                   ..               ..                    60.
330     1840 Penny Black QH (no margins, red MC) in presentation folder along with 1841 2d blue
     (4 margin), and another folder with 1841 1d red on cover. ..                   ..            30.
331     1840 Penny Black JI (black MC, three margins, very light crease), Twopence Blue RF
     (black MC, about 3-margin, thin), and another Twopence Blue PE (black MC, cut-into all
     sides).    ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    60.
332     1840 Penny Blacks (2) � NA is reasonable-looking with 3 margins and black MC but
     thinned, BG is 3-margin with red MC (cut-into at left).      ..                   ..               ..                    40.
    333     1840 Twopence Blue MF (only about two margins but decent appearance) f.u. on small

     piece with black MC, slight toning at edges.     ..               ..                   ..               ..                    30.
           See also UK Postal History
334     1840-1900 used QV collection on pages with poor 1840 2d blue, various line-engraved inc.
     range of 1d red plates to 224, useful mix of surface-printed (mixed condition from space-
     fillers to v.f.), 1883-84 5/- and 10/- g./f.u., etc. (379)        ..                   ..               ..                �150.
335     1841-1900 mint and used on pages from some 1d reds and 2d blues, 1847-54 Embossed 6d
     g.u., seln. of surface-printed to 5/-, and a few mint/unused (very high catalogue but none fine).
     (140)      ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                �130.
336     1847-54 Embossed set (3) in average used condition, all cut-square, small faults. �100.
337     1867-80 Large White Corner Letters 2/- brown used spacefiller with various faults. Looks
     quite good from a metre away, and very poor under a glass. SG 121 cat.�3,500.    ..                    75.
338     1867-83 5/- rose plate 1 used (heavy postmark, couple of tears, etc., cat.�600), and plate 2
     fair used with B01 cancel of Alexandria (few short perfs, small thin, etc., cat.�1,200).                   60.
339     1880-1900 mint and used colln. on pages inc. 1881 1d lilac (14 dots) unused (part gum) and
     used (15), 1887-1900 odd mint values, etc. Also 1867-83 5/- plate 1 used (fair only, short
     corner). (121)            ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    90.
340     1887-1900 �Jubilee� set (14) mint, in quite mixed condition (a number of short perfs.,
     creases, rubs, etc.) Cat.�525.       ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    40.
341     1887-1900 �Jubilee� �d green, 1�d, 2d, and 5d l.m.m., cat.�79. Also �d vermilion, 2�d,
     6d m.m. with faults.    ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    26.
342     1887-92 �1 green used with slightly smudged oval cancel, centred to right, decent perfs,
     �BB� perfin. SG 212 cat.�750.     ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    80.
343     1887-92 �1 green fair used. Not bad-looking but a couple of small faults, and almost
     certainly repaired at top. SG 212 cat.�750.      ..               ..                   ..               ..                    50.
344     1902-13 (1902-10) KE7 �1 sound used, two heavyish oval cancels, light diagonal crease at
     corner. SG 266 cat.�750.             ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                �100.
345     1902-52 m. & u. colln. of KE7-KG6. Includes KE7 m.m. odds to 1/-, used to 5/-, a few
     KG5 m.m. defins, 1934 Seahorses 2/6 m.m. (crease), 1924 and 1925 Wembley sets m. & u.,
     1951 Festival high values set (4) m.m., etc. (c.250)           ..                   ..               ..                �150.
General, 13 June 2011                               Page 17                                     Estimate.
United Kingdom, continued.
    346     1902-52 used colln. of KE7-KG6 inc. dupl. KE7 to 10d, 1/-, KG5 shades, Seahorses to
     10/-, KG6 high values, several sideways watermarks, (c.275)                ..               ..                    80.
    347     1912-26 mint seln. of KG5 comprising 1912-24 set (missing 9d olive-green), 1913-18
     Seahorses 10/- (small tear), 1924-26 set (12), 1924 and 1925 Wembley sets. Quite mixed
     condition, poor to fine. Cat.�705. ..                 ..               ..                   ..            75.
    348     1913 Seahorses �1 green used. Good appearance, centred high, possibly repaired tear at foot,
     other smaller faults. SG 403 cat.�1,250.          ..               ..                   ..               ..                �100.
    349     1936 KE8 1d coil leader strip of five, and 1951 1d light ultramarine (sideways wmk.) coil

     leader strip of six.      ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    15.
350     1939-48 high values set (6) mint � the 10/- dark blue m.m., 10/- ultramarine u.m. but badly
     toned, other four fine u.m. (Cat.�425 for u.m.) ..               ..                   ..            70.
    351     1939-48 10/- dark blue unmounted mint, centred just a little low. SG 478 cat.�260. 90.
    352     1939-48 10/- dark blue m.m. but with faults. SG 478 (cat.�260 for u.m.).              ..                    15.
353     1948 S.Wedding set (2) u.m., both corner marginal.          ..                   ..               ..                    15.
354     1952-78 used colln. with Wildings and Castles of different issues, some of the better
     phosphor commems, etc. (c.825)                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    50.
    355     1952-70 m. & u. colln. on pages, generally straight-run material. (100s)                  ..                    20.
    356     1969 Ships 5d u.m. fourblock with the perforations about 2mm low, thereby cutting

     through the top of the denominations.               ..               ..                   ..               ..                    10.
    357     Postage Dues; 1914-69 used colln. on three pages inc. some of the scarcer values. (68)             30.
358     Departmentals; used selection on two pages of IR (11), Army (6), Govt. Parcels (17),
     Board of Education (2), and Admiralty (4). Numerous better values (e.g. Parcels 1883-86
     6d, 9d, 1/-, Education 1902-4 2�d), total catalogue in thousands, but varied condition.            �150.
    359     Booklets; 1972-2000 seln. of 20 different prestige booklets, plus one duplicate. 60.
    360     Presentation Packs; 1974-2001 collection in five albums (c.240), plus a few mint sets
     also.    ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                �150.
    361     --; 1988-99 colln. in two albums, missing their plastic sleeves. Face approx.�148. (90)             75.
    362     --; 1992 Wintertime set in a finely illustrated book Snowdon Shepherd by Keith Bowen,
     who designed the stamps. Signed by designer on page showing limit of 2,000 copies.                    10.
    363     --; 1999-2011 colln. in album and loose, probably about complete for commems (though
     not checked in any detail).
        ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                �320.
    364     --; 2001 Submarines, 2002 Astronomy, 2003 Prince William, Rugby m.s., 2004 Entente,
     2005 Wedding, all with inserts except for Rugby.              ..                   ..               ..                    20.
    365     First Day Covers; 1960s-2002 collection, mainly in shoeboxes, generally handwritten
     earlier, typed addresses later. (600+)           ..               ..                   ..               ..                    70.
    366     --; 1994-2011 collection of standard Royal Mail covers in five albums (250), plus just a few

     �silks�.                   ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                �100.
    367     --; 1946-95 colln. of mainly ordinary covers, initially plain, then handwritten illus., then

     illus. unaddressed. Inc. a few others/non-standard inc. 1975 souvenir cover signed
     Alexander Gibson, 1985 Trains fdc with Haverthwaite c.d.s. (c.250) ..            24.
    368     --; 1969-95 extensive colln. in six Royal Mail albums, generally standard standing-order
     covers from about 1971 on. (c.500)             ..               ..                   ..               ..                    80.
    369     --; 1985-95 collection in two albums, all slightly better covers, with alternative postmarks,
     all illus. unaddressed. (128)       ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    60.
    370     --; 1957-80 colln. in album and loose, generally standard covers, but inc. 1957 Scouts (large
     illus. cover printed �From the First Contingent of Scouts from Nyasaland to visit England�
     and with Sutton Coldfield skeleton cancels, probably awfully scarce but in tatty condition).
     Also a few other countries etc. (100s)          ..               ..                   ..               ..                    40.
    371     Autographed Covers; 1965 B.o.B. ord. 4d single, 9d, 1/3 on illus. FDC with Biggin Hill
     c.d.s., signed by Douglas Bader.   ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    50.
A Buyer�s Premium of 10% (vat-inclusive) will be added to all sale prices.

General, 13 June 2011                               Page 18                                     Estimate.
United Kingdom, continued.
    372     Autographed Covers; 1976-77 two RAF Museum souvenir covers, one signed by Lord
     Tedder, the other by Douglas Bader.               ..               ..                   ..               ..                    40.
    373     --; 1989 souvenir cover for 100
th Scotland v Ireland rugby match, signed by John Rutherford
     and Roy Laidlaw.      ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                      8.
    374     Philatelic Numismatic Covers; 1995-2010 colln. in four albums, almost entirely Royal
     Mail issues. (64)     ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                �170.
375     --; 1993-2000 collection in album (24), plus several more loose up to 2006 (11). 85.
    376     --; 1995-2003 nine different covers � 6 with coins, 1 with coin/banknote, 2 with �ingots�.          60.
    377     Scottish Covers and Postal History; 1856-63 written-up colln. on pages of Scottish
     experimental duplex (or early duplex) cancels inc. Dumfries on cover Leith on cover,
     Glasgow �Madeleine Smith� in greenish black on 2d blue on cover (folded), etc. (17 covers,
     17 pieces, 1 stamp) Also Shrewsbury �spoon� on cover. Mainly fine.     ..            50.
    378     --; 1842 entire Aberdeen to Monymusk (?) with 1841 2d blue imperf (2-margin, 3rd very
     narrow) cancelled black MC, Aberdeen backstamp. Letter relates to supplies of timber to
     London for paving. Cat.�250.       ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    24.
    379     --; 1970s-80s bundle of covers and cards with postmarks of Shetland (39) and Orkney (39),
     covering c.59 different offices. Also two 1937 souvenir covers from Aberdeen to Shetland
     Air Mail.                ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    20.
    380     UK Covers and Postal History; 1807-17 seln. of entires, mainly with mileage marks, all
     of Southern Scotland or Northern England. (12)                ..                   ..               ..                    30.
381     --; 1840 (July) Mulready 1d lettersheet (forme A1) fine used Clerkenwell to Chatham, with
     red MC. Two filing creases. Cat.�450.            ..               ..                   ..               ..                    60.
    382     --; 1945 (all July) seln. of fifteen covers with Field Post Office 432 c.d.s. (Canadian ?), plus
     seven others similar.   ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    20.
    383     --; 1950-55 seln. of mainly OHMS covers to, from, or between B.A.O.R. staff, with a variety

     of postal and other markings. (26) ..                 ..               ..                   ..            20.
U.K. Postage Material; 1983-99 the remains of prestige booklets after the main se-tenant
     pane has been removed � usually two of each. Face value approx.�109. (27)                            55.
    385     U.K. Cinderella; seln. of 25 railway parcel stamps (and similar), all Scottish, nearly all-
     different. ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..            20.
    386     --; 1971 seln of Strike Post covers (25), all with private labels, some along with Belgian
     stamps, slight dupl. (26)                ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    15.
    387     Local Issues; Lundy; 1954 Postal Jubilee set (7) in c.t.o. sheets of 20.                 ..                    15.
    388     Islands; bulky lot in eleven stockbooks and albums, almost entirely used, the largest part
     being duplicated bulk. Some used sets, a few mint, etc. (1,000s)         ..               ..                    60.
389     --; bag of Guernsey, Isle of Man, and Jersey used on-paper, inc. many of 2000s, many
     commems. (Approx.500)          ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    12.
    390     UK Collections and Mixed Lots; large accumulation in carton of material in envelopes
     largely as received on standing order from Royal Mail, with presentation packs, miniature
     sheets, booklets, PHQ cards, FDCs (often handwritten), approx. 1994-2006. Also two
     albums of FDCs, and three of PHQ cards. In disorder, therefore difficult to assess value �
     estimate is truly that.                  ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                �300.
391     --; 1971-2005 mint and used collection in five albums, the commems apparently complete
     both mint and used. Mint is mainly u.m., but some l.m.m., some with marks from bad use
     of mounts. Used mainly good/fine commercial, many later cancelled by favour. �300.
392     --; plastic storage tub with eight various stockbooks, plus an album and various odds.
     Useful for a run of f.u. modern sets (up to 2010, probably cancelled by favour), some
     earlier phosphors, 1948 S.Wedding �1 fair m & u., etc. Also some bulk duplicated used
     modern. (1,000s)   ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                �150.
Coming to the auction ?  Remember the Buy or Bid Sale - you can bring things along for sale on
the night. We charge 25p per lot entry fee, and 10% commission on sales (1% optional insurance).
General, 13 June 2011                               Page 19                                     Estimate.
United Kingdom, continued.
    393     UK Collections and Mixed Lots; 1841-1977 mix in stockbook from a few penny reds (31)
     and 2d blues (11), various surface-printed, later QV to 2/6 (1 m., 4 u.), 5/- (3 u.), then little
     in 1900-1970s, and just a few modern. Very mixed condition. (100s)                  ..                �100.
394     --; 1902-46 m. & u. colln. on pages, from KE7 used range inc. dupl./shades, KG5
     Seahorses to 10/- u., 1924-26 set (missing 5d) m.m., 1934-36 set (11) m.m., 1939-48 2/6
     brown m.m., etc. (c.400)              ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                �100.
    395     --; mainly 1971-85 colln. in two albums, the main value in postage material, some in blocks
     or gutter pairs. Face very roughly �175.       ..               ..                   ..               ..                    90.
    396     --; two packets of 1970s-80s commems in u.m. gutter pairs/blocks, plus 1993 �10 p.pack,

     1983 Gardens FDC signed by George Barron, and other odds.             ..               ..                    40.
    397     --; bundles of mainly decimal presentation packs, some FDCs, and others.
         ..                    30.
    398     --; KE7 basic set to 1/- average used, plus a 1/- v.f.u. with Troon c.d.s., KG6 both high
     value sets mainly sound used, and a couple of other items. ..                   ..            30.
    399     --; 1883-84 5/- g.u. (creased) with Cork c.d.s., and Northern Ireland 1984-86 17p types I

     and II (unused, no gum, cat.�175 for mint). Also two Irish Sweepstakes tickets.                           24.
400     --; bag of approx.500 used stamps on-paper, all higher value commems of Christmas.                20.

� Robert Murray 2011


A Buyer�s Premium of 10% (vat-inclusive) will be added to all sale prices.

0845 0500 886   Use this number to make bids or to check on prices after the auction � or any time you want to speak to us � from anywhere in the UK for the cost of a local rate phone call.

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Most auctions include a few lots which, due to their large size or weight compared to value, will not be taken to the auction venue. They must therefore be viewed at our shop during the previous week, and successful purchasers will be responsible for their collection from us. The symbol for these is � �, and very generally speaking, there's a cut-off point of about �2 or �3 estimate per kilo weight.
If you attend the auction and buy any of these lots, you can either call at the shop during normal opening hours, or it is sometimes possible to arrange to pick up after the auction has finished (though please first speak to Mr. Murray to arrange this).


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>From �300 to �500, bids are in �20 or �30, and above this in 5% to 10% steps.

Abbreviations; a list of abbreviations and symbols used is from time to time included in the auction catalogue. We suggest that you keep a copy for future reference.
m./u.m. mounted/unmounted mint                                  accum.             accumulation
l.m.m.               lightly mounted mint                              colln.                collection

g./f.u.                good/fine used                                      seln.                 selection
v.f.u.                 very fine used                                       pmk.                postmark
FDC                first day cover                                       cat.                   catalogue price

PSB                 prestige stamp booklet                           PNC               philatelic numismatic cover
s.t.c.                 stated to catalogue (by vendor)             m.s.                  miniature sheet
S.o.W.             �Stamps of the World� catalogue          inc.                   including
                    Smaller bid steps accepted                    PTSA               priced to sell at
c.d.s.                circular datestamp                                 bkt.                  booklet               
�   lot not being taken to auction room
lvs.                   album leaves                                         p.stat.               postal stationery
c.                     circa (usually approximate quantity)       
o or or      earlier viewing of lot on auction day

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BID FORM - Stamp Auction 13 June 2011

to Robert Murray,
 5 & 6 Inverleith Gardens,
 Edinburgh, Scotland, EH3 5PU

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                    Date; .............................. Signed; ..................................................

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Robert Murray
Scotland�s Best-Stocked and
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