This is an archive copy of a past auction catalogue. Many people find these useful for finding references to specialist items, or to research prices. Prices realised can normally be found in the "Word" version of the subsequent catalogue. Current and forthcoming auctions are listed at (Everything in this auction will have been sold. Nothing will still be available for sale, although similar material might appear in future auctions.)
Robert Murray
5 & 6 Inverleith Gardens, Ferry Road,
Edinburgh, Scotland, EH3 5PU

Tel. 0131 552 1220 or 0131 478 7021


Stamps and Collectables Auction

 Monday 2 February 2009
at 7.00 pm


Click here for the auction catalogue in
"Word" format

Click here for the auction catalogue in "Word" format with illustrations
(large file)

Catalogue of Postage Stamps and Collectables to be sold by Public Auction, within the
On view at Pavilion on afternoon and evening of sale (see details later),
and at Shop during business hours (Tue, Thu, Fri 10am-6pm, Wed 2pm-9pm,
and Sat 10am-7pm) for one week prior to sale, or by appointment.
Stewarts-melville pavilion
The auction venue

This is the electronic/internet version of our normal paper catalogue. Some changes have been effected so as to save file space and transfer/download time. Most illustrations and logos for example have been removed. Although it is not in the easiest form to read, hopefully it will still bring you the information you need. 

The sale is arranged in the following order;
    Lots 1-73 Collections and Mixed Lots
    Lots 74-177 Collectables (Non-Philatelic Items)
    Lots 178-343 Lots by country A-Z, excluding U.K.

    Lots 344-420 United Kingdom
If you are new to our auctions, please see our general auction information page.

The figure at the end of each description is our estimate, in pounds sterling. Bids are accepted above or below this figure, although bids below about 75% or 80% estimate only have a tiny chance of success. Estimates are in Pounds Sterling do not include the 10% buyer's premium.

After the main listings you will find various information and instructions. This is followed by a sample bid form, and a copy of the the notes that appear on the reverse of our bid forms.

This is a public auction, in which written/telephone/e-mail bids are also accepted. If you are bidding with us for the first time, please bid by two of these methods with the same bids (e.g. by post and by phone, or by telephone and by e-mail), or bid in good enough time for us to get back in touch with you with any queries.

Please note that bidders who are not already known to us are required to bid in the first instance by two different methods. The options available are email, telephone, or post.
New customers attending one of our sales in person for the first time, and intending to bid, are invited to make themselves known before the sale starts. This saves the auctioneer from having to ask for a name during the sale.

Tel. 0131 552 1220 or 0131.478 7021 website email [email protected]

Skype name � stampshop
Stamps, 8 December 2008                                Page 2                                   Estimate.

            Collections and Mixed Lots.                 
       1     Good general mixed box, with mainly stamps, some covers, a general world collection in

               a big old album, etc., and with a whole-world coverage, often with mint stamps/sets on
     stockcards, etc. Although much is German, these do not eclipse the general interest.
                ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                �120.
        2     Fifteen mixed stockbooks in carton. Variety of style and content, mainly foreign. (1,000s)             75.
        3     A similar lot, again of fifteen stockbooks. (1,000s)
          ..                 ..               ..                    75.
        4     A similar lot, this of twenty stockbooks. (1,000s)
            ..                 ..               ..                    75.
        5     Three albums � one of children's characters, one mainly FDCs but inc. m. set of USA
     Bicentennial paintings m.s., one of E.European stamps and maxi-cards, plus two large
     stockalbums and seven smaller stockbooks of mixed world. (1,000s)
                 ..                    60.
        6     Three binders filled with Hagner type pages holding a general mix of world stamps, some-
     times in some order, sometimes in none (1,000s). Also another album of stockleaves with
     just a few mint UK.
                  ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    60.
        7     Two stockalbums of mixed world stamps inc. some reasonable modern mint sets, a bundle
     of packets with new issue type material, album of 1981 Royal Wedding FDCs, and others.
     (Many 100s)             ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    60.
        8     Five stockbooks (4 of these large) of mixed world stamps, in no apparent order. (1,000s)
     Also several junior albums, and odd others.
..                 ..                 ..            50.
        9     Small box with a bundle of stockcards of Commonwealth, UK, and others, generally items
     of at least some interest, many worth a pound or two each. (100s)
     ..            45.
      10     Medium carton with bundle of pages of mixed countries, a number of remainder club books,
     etc. (1,000s)
         ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    40.
      11     Large printed Regent world album (incomplete pages) with issues generally up to about the
               1950s. Reasonable general range. (c.4,500+)
                 ..                 ..               ..                    40.
      12     Folder with mixed items on stockcards, plus a large shoebox of mixed world, and another
               shoebox of US postal stationery. (Many 100s)
               ..                 ..               ..                    40.
      13     Small box of stockcards of mainly selected items, UK, Commonwealth and Foreign.
      14     Carton with five mixed albums/stockbook � general world inc. Canada and Israel, plus a
               few USA FDCs. (1,000s)
        ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    35.
      15     Small box with a bundle of stockcards of selected items of Commonwealth and Foreign.
                   ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    30.
      16     Box with a big bundle of stockleaves of mainly Europe (much Austria, Switzerland,
     Belgium), other Overseas etc. (Many 1,000s)                  ..                 ..               ..                    30.
      17     Mix in carton � world stamps in envelopes, some covers, pages, etc. (1,000s)
      18     Mixed box with a stockbook of France, a folder of pages of mixed countries (inc. some

     early Afghanistan, and a few Shanghai Local Post which are possibly not genuine, a few
     Newfoundland, Ascension), others in a shirt box, etc. (100s)              ..               ..                    30.
      19     Medium box inc. a folder of Commonwealth (inc. Falklands mint blocks of War Stamp 1d),

     pages, stamps in packets, etc. (1,000s)        ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    30.
      20     Medium box with generally middle to older ranges in albums, packets, on pages, etc.

     (1,000s)                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    30.
      21     Little stockbook with a few 1937 Coronation sets in u.m. fourblocks (inc. HK), a Sri Lanka
               1989 year pack, and odd others.
                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    24.
      22     General world collection in two albums up to about 1980s. (1,000s)   ..            24.
      23     Small box of odds and ends, not an average mix. (100s)
..                 ..            20.
      24     Small box of world mixed stockcards, packets, etc. (100s)                 ..               ..                    20.
      25     Shoebox of sets and odds often with some duplication, much in about 1950s-80s though
     numerous in earlier periods. (100s)
              ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    20.
      26     Plastic storage box with many thousands of world stamps, reckoned to be about 90% off-
     paper.                    ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    15.
      27     Two stockbooks of mixed world stamps (100s)              ..                 ..               ..                    15.
Stamps and Collectables, 2 February 2009                             Page 3                       Estimate.
Collections and Mixed Lots, continued.
      28     Two small boxes of world stamps sorted into dozens of little glassine packets, generally in
               alphabetical order. Reasonable variety, no UK seen. (1,000s)
           ..               ..                    15.
      29     British Commonwealth; mainly 1950s-70s lot in envelopes, largely of odd defin values
     usually in u.m. blocks (most in quantities between 5 and 40) and often slightly better values.
     Includes opts. on UK, Barbados, Fiji, Montserrat, St. Kitts-Nevis, etc. Total s.t.c. �1,600+
     (100s) Also inc. a few used Australia, and a New Zealand WW2 patriotic label. List
               ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    80.
      30     --; m.m. colln. in album of earlier QE with defin short sets to 1/- only. (c.500)
      31     --; four stamps with varieties viz. Ascension 1938-53
�d l.m.m. with long bar in "E",
     Jamaica 1905-11 �d m.m.
SER.ET, Malta 1938-43 2d scarlet g.u. (dubious cancel) extra
     windows, and Niue 1902 1d unu. spaced "UE" SG 9b.       ..                 ..               ..                    24.
      32     --; South Africa 1973 Flowers/Fish/Birds set (20 inc. coils) u.m., plus three UK 1981
     Royal Wedding items.                   ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                      7.
      33     --; Africa; small seln. inc. Tanganyika KG5 and OFS KE7 fiscals, 1900 cover OFS to
     Scotland (worn but very well travelled), one Commando Brief label, etc.                 ..                    10.

      34     --; Omnibus; interesting little lot of varieties comprising Bechuanaland 1935 Jubilee 2d
     m.m. doctor blade, Cyprus 1948 S.W. 1
�d g.u. extra decoration, Falkland 1935 Jubilee 1/-
     m.m. faint doctor blade, HK 1935 Jubilee 5c fair u. small "kite" line left of tower, New-
     foundland 1937 Coron. 1c m.m. "fish hook", N.Rhodesia 1946 Victory 1�d both l.m.m.
     & u. perf.13�, and S.Africa 1937 Coronation 1�d heavy m.m. mouse flaw.           ..                    30.
      35     --; --; 1945-46 seln. of Victory issues in m.m./u.m. blocks (c.180) inc. Hong Kong 30c
     �extra stroke� variety (this u.m. and cat.�75.). Total s.t.c.�143.              ..               ..                    35.
      36     --; --; 1945-46 Victory complete (less one Virgin Is.) m.m. ..                 ..            10.
      37     Europe; two stockbooks of mainly u.m. around the 1960s, plus a few used and a few other
     countries. (100s)    ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    30.
      38     --; album of mainly Germany, some others. (100s)
          ..                 ..               ..                    24.
      39     Foreign; stockbook of former Soviet States and New Republics, a mixture of genuine issues
     and �illegals� mint and used. (c.600+, 45 m.s.)
                ..                 ..               ..                    50.
      40     --; mainly European mix in smallish box inc. FDCs, sheets, much Europa. (100s)
      41     --; small stockalbum with u.m. Liechtenstein fourblocks and singles about 1980s (100s),
     plus just a few earlier, and some United Nations. (100s) ..                 ..            15.
Latin America; largely used assortment in stockalbum, with reasonable mix up to about
     1960s, some dupl. also. (100s) ..                 ..                 ..                 ..            15.
Thematic; two albums with collections (written up in German) of Martin Luther, Karl
     Marx, Nationale Volksarmee, Manned Space Flight, Ernst Th�lmann, Lenin, etc. (100s,
     some covers/cards).                  ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    40.
      44     --;
Aircraft; three stockbooks with colln. of mainly c.t.o. modern sets, possibly some dupl.
     (c.400, 23 m.s.)     ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    15.
      45     --;
Disney; six-volume collection as supplied by Westminster Collection, of u.m. stamps,
     miniature sheets, sheetlets, and a few covers. (100s)        ..                 ..               ..                �160.
      46     --;
Fungi; s/book of mushrooms etc., mainly c.t.o. sets inc. some dupl. (c.120, 17 m.s.)              8.
      47     --;
Germany; two volume printed (in German) collection entitled �Deutschland feiert: 40
     Jahre Bundesrepublik�, filled with mainly German (some other countries) stamps, cards,
     covers, etc. (100s)                    ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    30.
      48     --; --; printed German album entitled �Chronik der Deutschen Einheit� with wide mix of

     mainly u.m. issues 1945-97.      ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    10.
      49     --;
Nature; colln. in album of mainly u.m. sets and FDCs, most of them issues for European
     Nature Conservation Year 1980. (c.120, 7 m.s., 50 FDCs/maxi-cards)               ..                    20.
      50     --;
Railways; mainly modern c.t.o. colln. in stockbook. (c.500, 29 m.s.)             ..                    15.
      51     --;
Ships; stockbook of sailing ships, mainly modern c.t.o. (c.190, 22 m.s./sheetlets)                   8.
A Buyer�s Premium of 10% (vat-inclusive) will be added to all sale prices.

Stamps and Collectables, 2 February 2009                             Page 4                       Estimate.
Collections and Mixed Lots, continued.
      52     Postage Dues; unusual world collection on Hagner-type pages in five binders. Includes
     issues from all areas of the world, mint and used, often with complete sets. Little by way of
     the scarcer issues, but many medium value included. (Many 100s)      ..        �220.
           Forgeries; see Israel.
      53     Covers; carton full of loose covers, the vast majority German. Mixed periods, mainly
     commercial. Numerous items of medium value to be found. (Many 100s)             ..                �100.
      54     --; carton of mixed covers inc. bundles of USA FDCs, Indian used postal stationery, mixed

     commercial and philatelic of other countries, some in albums, etc. (100s)              ..                    30.
      55     --; bundles of mainly 1960s/70s, mainly FDCs, of Liechtenstein, Spain, Greenland, Europa,

     India, and mixed other countries. (Probably 600+)         ..                   ..               ..                    30.
      56     --; mixed types in box. (c.200)
..                 ..               ..                   ..            20.
      57     --; 1986-87 album of souvenir covers for Lufthansa first flights to/from many world
     destinations. (106)
..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..            15.
      58     --; album of Czechoslovakia FDCs 1958-63 (c.65), E.European commercial covers (c.45),
     and a few others.    ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    10.
      59     --; Numismatic Covers; 2001 album of seven covers for "The Victorian Age", mainly Isle
     of Man.
                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    20.
      60     --; --; 2006 80th Birthday two albums of first day or souvenir covers from various countries,
     all with encapsulated coins. (30)
                  ..               ..                   ..               ..                �100.
      61     --; --; 2007 Diamond Wedding colln. of coin covers in album. (16)
   ..            50.
      62     --; --; album with five UK, and a couple of others.
        ..                   ..               ..                    30.
     Perfins; see Italy, Russia, UK.
     Forgeries; see Japan.
      63     Literature; Stanley Gibbons Stamps of the World �2005� edition in four volumes (colour).
               Ex-library but decent condition.
                   ..               ..                   ..               ..                    20.
      64     --; Stanley Gibbons Commonwealth and British Empire Stamps 1840-1970, 2008 edition,
     quite well used (spine strengthened).             ..               ..                   ..               ..                    15.
      65     --; selection of 11 titles inc. Michel
Handbuch-Katalog Deutsche Feldpost 1937-1945, The
     Postal History and Handstamps of British West Africa by C.McCaig, New South Wales
     Numeral Cancellations by Brown and Campbell, etc. ..                   ..               ..                    12.
      66     --; Karamitsos
Hellas 2003 catalogue of Greece in two volumes, plus a 2004 edition of
     volume 1.               ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                      8.
      67     --;
Klassische Berliner Postgeschichte by Walter Kruschel, 1987.   ..              5.
Supplies (New); fifteen small Kobra cover albums of different types.                  ..                    24.
      69     --; Lighthouse
Perfect binder for W.Germany (with hingeless pages for W.Germany
     1980-92), Safe binder with some old-style Vatican pages, and about two dozen other binders
     (some of these quite serviceable cover albums, some empty and of odd format), a handful of
     Hawid mounts, a bundle of Abria mounts (like Hawid, but black paper backs), and pages, all
     in one large carton. All continental brands.    ..               ..                   ..            30.
      70     --;
Safe Stamp Drying Press, and a Kobra drying book. ..                 ..            10.
71     --; two Kobra drying books, about A4 size.    ..               ..                   ..               ..                      5.
72     --; two KA-BE drying books, about A4-size.  ..               ..                   ..              5.
73     --; a Lindner and a Lighthouse drying book, each about A4 size.            ..               ..                      5.


Tuesday 27 January to Saturday 31 January; viewing of all lots at our shop, normal shop hours
              (Tue 10-6, Wed 2-9, Thu 10-6, Fri 10-6, Sat 10-7).
Monday 2 February; larger lots (marked �
� in the description); on view at auction venue 3pm-6.50pm.
              smaller lots; on view at auction venue 5pm-6.50pm.
Lots marked �
� are not taken to the auction room, and must be collected from our shop.

Stamps and Collectables, 2 February 2009                             Page 5                       Estimate.
           �Collectables� (Non-Philatelic Items)

        Anybody not interested in the following Collectables section can safely leave the auction
oom (to look at the Buy or Bid Sale, or go upstairs to the bar). There will be a short break at
              the end of the non-philatelic lots, during which we will give warning of the resumption of
stamp lots.
      74     Banknotes; quite an attractive and extensive collection in two albums, with a wide whole-
              world coverage. As well as standard material, some less usual included e.g. Bohemia &
              Moravia, Germany Notgeld, Hungary inflation, USA, etc. Lots of notes individually worth
              at least a pound or two. (314)
  ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                �150.
      75     --; small seln. of world notes (24). Also a printed leaflet as distributed to Allied servicemen
              before the D-Day landings (a bit worn).           ..                 ..                 ..               ..                      5.
      76     --; England; Bank of England 1938 white �5, in almost uncirculated condition with only
              some light vertical wrinkles at the centre. Sold �as is�, as possibly an Operation Bernhardt
              note.       ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    50.
      77     --; English Provincial; Dartmouth General Bank 1819 �5 (as John Hine & Henry
              Holdsworth). Poor condition but scarce.          ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    20.
      78     --; --; Workington Bank 1809 1 guinea (Wood, Smiths, Stein & Co.). Very poor but scarce.       20.
      79     --; Scotland; 1949-78 selection comprising Bank of Scotland �1 (14), Br. Linen Bank �1
              (1), Clydesdale & N. of S. �1 (1), National Bank �5 (1), National Commercial Bank �1 (2),
              �5 (1), N. of Scotland �1 (1), and Royal Bank �1 (7). Mixed qualities.  ..            60.
      80     --; --; Bank of Scotland 1929 (14 Nov.) �1, about VF condition. SC102 cat.�90.                       30.
      81     --; --; Bank of Scotland; 1945 �1 (2, VF+), 1961 �1 (1, poor), 1962 �1 (3, F.), and a Bank
              of England 10/-.         ..                 40.
      82     --; --; British Linen Bank; 1954 (6 July) �20 note F+/VF. SC235b cat.�120. for VF.                   40.
      83     --; --; Clydesdale Bank Ltd.; 1937 (24 Nov.) �20 note F. SC308c (cat.�450. for VF).               45.
      84     --; --; Commercial Bank of Scotland Ltd.; 1949-53 fifteen of the �1 note (of five different
              dates), generally about VF.           ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    60.
      85     --; United Kingdom; 1923 Treasury �1 (Fisher) �D1/9� before serial, VF/EF. Cat. no.
              TR18b cat.�65./�130.                  ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    30.
      86     --; --; seln. of fairly modern notes of England (4), Scotland (3), and N.Ireland (1). 30.
      87     --; --; 1923 Treasury �1 (Fisher) �C1/90� before serial, VF. Cat. no. TR18b cat.�65.                  20.
      88     --; Australia; 1993 souvenir folder with one of the first polymer $10 notes, and one of the
              last paper $10, both unc.              ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    10.
      89     --; United States of America; City Bank of New Haven uncut sheet of 3 x $5 and 1 x $10.       10.
           --; see also Scottish Postal History (1845)
      90     Books; Antarctic; South - The Story of Shackleton's Last Expedition 1914-1917 by Sir
              Ernest Shackleton, London 1919. Some toning.
              ..                 ..               ..                    10.
      91     --; --; The Heart of the Antarctic- Being the Story of the British Antarctic Expedition 1907-
by E.H. Shackleton, London 1909. Includes the loose maps in pocket at back of vol.2.
              Some toning and other odd faults - vol. 1 has loose spine and a bit faded.
           ..                    30.
      92     --; Arctic; Farthest North - Being a Record of a Voyage of Exploration of the Ship Fram
              1893-96 . . .
by Fridtjof Nansen, London 1897 in two volumes. Reasonable general
              condition though with some faults, and the maps removed.
                 ..               ..                    20.
      93     --; --; five different books by or about Wilfred Grenfel.
   ..                 ..            12.
      94     --; --; Those Greenland Days by Martin Lindsay, 1932. (About the British Arctic Air-Route
              Expedition). Spine faded.              ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                      6.
      95     --; Himalayas; Lhasa - an Account of the Country and People of Central Tibet and of the
              Progress of the Mission Sent There by the English Government in the Year 1903-4
              Percival Landon, London 1905, in two volumes. Various faults including splits in binding,
              but appears complete (inc. fold-out map The Road to Lhasa). Labels on front covers of
OFFICERS MESS, 2/3rd SIKH PIONEERS. LIBRARY".             ..                 ..               ..                    30.
A Buyer�s Premium of 10% (vat-inclusive) will be added to all sale prices.

Stamps and Collectables, 2 February 2009                             Page 6                       Estimate.
Collectables, continued.
      96     Books; Himalayas; box of 13 mixed titles inc. Two Lady Missionaries in Tibet (Robson,
              c.1900), Himalaya Shuttlecock (Hans Kopp), Two and Two Halves to Bhutan (Peter Steele,
              1970), Tibet is my Country (Thubten Norbu, 1960), First Over Everest - The Houston-
              Mount Everest Expedition 1933
(Fellowes, 1933), etc.
                  ..               ..                    35.
      97     --; Pop Music; Postcards From The Boys  by Ringo Starr, 2004.         ..               ..                      5.
      98     --; Scandinavia; Icelandic Pictures - Drawn with Pen and Pencil by Frederick W.W.
              Howell, London 1893. Generally fine though some faults. Includes one chapter largely about
              the Faroe Islands.     
                ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    10.
      99     --; --; Portrait of Iceland by D.A. Langhorne, Reyjavik 1943. Title page includes the line
PASSED BY U.S. ARMY BASE CENSOR IN ICELAND" and the book has a manuscript note "To
              the Commander-in-Chief Rosyth . . . . August 1943".
     ..                 ..               ..                      6.
    100     Cigarette Cards; old album with a few sets e.g. Wills Allied Army Leaders, Wills Rugby
, Wills Britain�s Part in the War, etc. (c.500 cards) Also just a few coins and
                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    30.
    101     Coins; mixed box of almost entirely UK with numbers of pennies, shillings, florins, etc.,
              plus crowns (inc. 11 x 1951), 1953 "plastic sets" (4), 1990 Q.Mother �5 (2), etc., plus odd
              others e.g. two German Iron Cross medals, a tiny Virgin Is. $25 gold coin, etc. (100s)
    102     --; accumulation in deed box. Some bulk standard items like UK pennies and foreign
              �smush�, but better also such as mixed silver coins, some UK proofs, etc. (100s)
    103     --; tub with an accumulation of coins in various tins, bag, and boxes. Has an older feel,
              although some modern is included. Certainly worth spending a few minutes viewing, as
              there are odd bits of interest throughout.
      ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    50.
    104     --; mainly UK mix in box with bulk in cheap pennies, brass3d, etc., but also a bag of India,
              some UK and foreign uncirculated sets, eight commem �5 crowns, etc.
               ..                    70.
    105     --; 2002-3 boxed set of 24 silver proof crown-size coins for Queen's Golden Jubilee.
    106     --; 2002 boxed set of three silver proof coins for Accession Anniv. (Australia, Canada, and
              UK).      ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    20.
    107     --; 2002-2007 three boxes with a seln. of Commonwealth and UK coins, inc. crown-size,
              many commem, some of them in silver. (25)
..                 ..                 ..            60.
    108     --; 2006 presentation box of commemorative silver coins for Queen's 80th Birthday (15,
              mainly with "selective gold plating"), plus UK 2006 1oz Britannia, and USA 2006 silver
                   ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    75.
    109     --; a selection of mainly 1980s/90s sets/folders, UK Royal Mint and others. (22). Also a
              couple of numismatic covers.
    ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    40.
    110     --; carton of mixed coins, UK and foreign, mainly loose (100s), plus a few stamps.
    111     --; small box of UK and foreign coins, and just a few notes.
               ..               ..                    15.
    112     --; small box of mainly UK inc. 1890 4/-, five 1914-16 half-crowns, etc.
            ..                    10.
    113     --; old cash box with much cheap UK but other countries also (100s)
                 ..                    10.
    114     --; United Kingdom; 1884 Maundy set (4) EF/unc. in presentation box.
            ..                    80.
    115     --; --; 1887 silver set crown to threepence, EF/unc. in Spink presentation box.        ..                �150.
    116     --; --; 1820 crown, 1829 half crown, etc., fair only.            ..                 ..               ..                    10.
    117     --; --; 1887 loose set crown to both 6d, all Jubilee Heads, generally about VF or better.
     ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    60.
    118     --; --; 1888 florin EF, and 1889 1/- EF.          ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    40.
    119     --; --; 1897 2/- and 1/-, EF.         ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    40.
    120     --; --; 1905 gold half sovereign, VF. ▲           ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    40.
    121     --; --; 1909 gold half sovereign, VF. ▲           ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    40.
    122     --; --; 1911 gold half sovereign, VF. ▲           ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    40.
    123     --; --; 1914 gold half sovereign, about EF.
  ..                 ..                 ..            50.
    124     --; --; Royal Mint "George V Silver Circulation Coin Collection" in presentation box
              (1915-36 seln. of 2/6 to 3d - 10 coins)
       ..                 ..                 ..               ..                      8.
Stamps and Collectables, 2 February 2009                             Page 7                       Estimate.
Collectables, continued.
    125     Coins; United Kingdom; 1937 �silver and bronze� set crown to farthing (15 coins, inc.
              Maundy) uncirculated, in original Royal Mint box.
           ..                 ..               ..                �150.
    126     --; --; another of the same, the box a little worn and the coins showing just slight signs of
               ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                �140.
    127     --; --; 1939 (5), 1940 (5), 1941 (6), 1942 (10), 1944 (4), 1945 (11), and 1946 (4) half
              crowns, all about EF/unc. condition.
            ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    30.
    128     --; --; quantity of pre-1947 silver coins, approx. 6d (35), 1/- (40), 2/- (68), 2/6 (12), 5/- (1).
              Total face value �11/8/6
           ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    70.
    129     --; --; 1994 gold proof sovereign, unc., in box of issue.
                ..               ..                �110.
    130     --; --; 1994 proof set, and 1993 silver proof �1.
            ..                 ..               ..                    15.
    131     --; --; Royal Mint uncirculated sets for 1998-2003, and 2007. (7)
     ..               ..                    35.
    132     --; --; 1998 silver proof �2, 2003 silver proof piedfort �1, and 2006 silver proof Brunel �2,
              each in original box.
                  ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    26.
    133     --; --; 2000 proof set (10 coins). ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    10.
    134     --; --; 2002 gold proof half sovereign, in box.
                 ..                 ..               ..                    60.
    135     --; --; proof sets for 2004, 2005, 2006.
      ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    30.
    136     --; --; 2006 Royal Mint "Queen's 80th Birthday Collection" (13 coins inc. Maundy set).
    137     --; --; 2007 "Executive Proof Collection" collection (12 coins).
          ..               ..                    24.
    138     --; Scotland; 1567 silver Ryal (�Dollar�, thirty shillings). The obverse shows the royal shield
              with crown and thistles and the inscription
              year�s issue of the same coin had included Henry�s name). The unusual main design of the
              reverse is of a tortoise climbing a palm tree. About fine/very fine.
:       ..        �400.
    139     --; Commonwealth; 2005-6 seln. of 17 different crown-size silver coins of Alderney,
              Cayman (2), Falkland, Guernsey, Jersey (2), UK, and Solomon Is. (9), in presentation
   ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                �100.
    140     --; Bahamas; 1973 gold $50, unc.               ..                 ..                 ..               ..                �100.
    141     --; Europe; souvenir album with sets of pre-Euro coins from the 12 Eurozone countries,
              and another album with the same countries' sets of Euro coins.
           ..               ..                    40.
    142     --; Panama; 1976 platinum 150 balboas unc. in sealed capsule.
        ..               ..                    60.
    143     --; Roman; small box with mix of 37 coins in varied condition; also 1 Greek.    50.
    144     --; Switzerland; 1927 gold 20f, EF.                ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    75.
    145     Medals; U.K.; France & Germany Star, QE General Service Medal with Malaya clasp, and
               Korea Medal (Hercules and Hydra), the latter two named to a Bdr./Gr. in R.A.
    146     --; --; WW2 group of six medals comprising three Stars (1939-45, Africa, France &
              Germany), Defence Medal, and 1939-45 War Medal, plus Territorial Efficiency Medal (first
              KG6 type, named to Cpl. in Notts. Yeo.). Also a TA lapel badge, a Royal Scots boxing
              medallion, and another boxing medallion.
     ..                 ..                 ..            50.
    147     --; --; QE Campaign Service Medal with Borneo clasp, named to a private in the Gordons.
              Ribbon dirty otherwise ok.            ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    50.
    148     --; --; WW1 group of three comprising 1914 Star, British War Medal, and Victory Medal,
              all named to a private in the 20th Hussars.
    ..                 ..                 ..            35.
    149     --; --; group of four comprising 1939-45 Star, WW2 Defence and War Medals, plus United
              Nations Korea Medal.
             ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    20.
    150     --; small box of medals inc. UK QE Campaign medal with Northern Ireland clasp. British
              and foreign. (8)
     ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    35.
    151     Medallions; 1972 boxed set of Franklin Mint for 1972 Silver Wedding - six medallions in
              roughly 50p-size to 1p-size. The largest one is hallmarked as 22 carat, the others seem also
               to be gold.
            ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                �100.
    152     --; a similar set thought to be in gold-plated silver, and another set thought to be in silver.

A Buyer�s Premium of 10% (vat-inclusive) will be added to all sale prices.

Stamps and Collectables, 2 February 2009                             Page 8                       Estimate.
Collectables, continued.
    153     Medallions; probably the British reproduction of the German medallion commemorating
              the sinking of the Lusitania, 1915.  ..                 ..               ..                   ..            10.
    154     --; four little medals of the Society of Miniature Rifle Clubs. ..                  ..            10.
    155     --; Wyon bronze medallion of Royal Society of Arts Manufacturers and Commerce, 1916.

              Unless otherwise stated, cards are mainly of the period approx. 1900-1920.
    156     Four little modern albums with mix of mainly older cards, mixed types. (100s)
    157     Small suitcase with  mixed bundles � mixed in age, style, and used/unused. (100s) 15.
    158     Shoebox of mainly modern cards, but with just a few earlier inc. 3 RP views. (100s)                  10.
    159     Scotland; bundle of mixed views with many from S.W. Scotland (c.100); also a seln. of 27
              actors and actresses.
                ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    30.
    160     Modern; five shoeboxes of UK and foreign, used and unused, mixed cards inc. a full box
              of Isle of Man (some of these older). (100s)
                 ..                   ..               ..                    40.
161     --; box of modern reproductions of Parisian-style photographic nudes etc. (c.500)                     20.
162     --; Scotland; c.400 modern cards of the Isle of Skye.   ..                   ..               ..                      6.

              OTHER CATEGORIES
    163     Apothecary�s Weights; a selection of 16 in a variety of styles and sizes, from � scruple to
              4 drachms.
            ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    10.
    164     Ephemera; four newspapers 1825-74 and four share certificates.          ..               ..                    12.
    165     Financial Ephemera; 1913 Bill of Exchange for �5,000 from Petrograd Discount Bank
              with Foreign Bill KE7 �2.10.0 fiscal attached (overprinted
CANCELLED/B.B. & Co. Ld. =
              Barings), and another similar Russian with imprinted tax.      ..                 ..              6.
    166     Masonic; heavy brass seal for Lurgan Purple Guards/L.O.L. No 304. (Scratches)
    167     Militaria; box with a selection of metal cap/shoulder/lapel badges, etc., mainly Scottish.
              (24) Also three other small items.
                ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    30.
    168     --; box of cap badges and buttons etc. (c.35, mainly metal)
               ..               ..                    20.
    169     --; small brass cigarette lighter with Polish eagle on �V�.
  ..                 ..              5.
    170     Motoring; oval blue enamel badge (St. Christopher at centre) of the Connaught Motor &
              Carriage Co. Ltd. Good condition, only small scratches at screwholes.   ..            10.
    171     Royalty; official souvenir programmes for 1937 and 1953 Coronations, plus other souvenir
              publications for the same Coronations, the 1935 Jubilee, and a couple of others.
    172     Sporting; silver medal (oval, thistles at top) inscribed �Presented by T. J. Lindsay President
              1914, Small Tables Billiard Championship�, with 23 additional little silver plates with
               names of winners (stopping at 1935-36).
     ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    20.
    173     Sugar Wrappers; box with 100s of international wrappers, plus some matchbooks/match-
              box labels.
            ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                      5.
    174     Tokens, etc.; old cash box with a seln. of tokens such as transport, co-op, plus some lapel
              badges, medallions, etc. (Probably 150+)
    ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    30.
    175     --; plastic tub with dozens (probably hundreds) of mixed items � tourist souvenirs, transport
              tokens, gaming, commemorative, free gifts, etc.
               ..                 ..               ..                    30.
    176     --; a similar lot but with more duplication, and inc. many petrol medallions.
    177     Collectables Mixed Lots; 1939-45 Star medal, a couple of other medallions, a few coins
              inc. 1894 Maundy 1d, etc.
       ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    15.

           There will be a short break at this point during which warning will be given in the auction
              room, in the bar upstairs (and to the outdoor smokers !), that the stamp section is about to resume.

Orders for albums, catalogues, pages, accessories, and so on, can be brought to the sale for you.
Stamps and Collectables, 2 February 2009                             Page 9                       Estimate.
           Classified by Country
    178     Aden; 1939-48 defin set (13) u.m. (the 14a l.m.m.), cat.�65., plus 1937 Coronation, 1946
              Victory, 1949 UPU sets u.m. (�7.75)              ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    18.
    179     Albania; 1944 War Refugees set (7) - appear f.u. but cancels are fake (endorsed thus on
              reverse). ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                      6.
    180     Australian State
s; 1902-12 large QV type (all three issues) seln. of values from 3d to 2/6
     mainly fine m.m. S.t.c.�334. (14 different)        ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    60.
    181     Australia; 1918-23 4d violet sound used horizontal strip of three, the stamp at right with
     the "thin FOUR PENCE" variety. Centred badly to right, and low. Variety is SG 64b cat.
     �275., normals SG 64 cat.�15 each.                ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    40.
    182     --; 1924 KG5 Head 1d sage-green - four different varieties (dot before 1, secret mark, neck
     flaw, and RA joined), mainly u.m., one short corner. SG 76a-d cat.�120.                ..                    30.
    183     --; 1937-49 3d die II on thick paper, u.m. pair (one with touch of toning and a pulled perf.).
     SG 168c cat.�60. each.                ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    24.
    184     --; 1937-49 four different versions of the 3d viz. SG 168, 168c, 168ca, and 186. All
     mounted mint (some quite heavy). (Cat.�225. for u.m.)       ..                 ..               ..                    22.
    185     --; 1937-49 (1942) coil strips of four of
�d, 1d maroon, and 2d bright purple. Each strip
     u.m. and with coil join at centre of strip. SG 179b, 181a, 185a, cat.�152.               ..                    30.
    186     --; 1937-49 (1938-41) perf.15x14 2d bright purple u.m. pair, one with the "Medal Flaw"
     (SG 185b cat.�60.), and 2d scarlet g.u. with same variety (SG 184b cat.�60.).       ..                    30.

    187     --; 1942-51 seln. of ten different coil perf pairs generally sound/good/fine used (one creased).
     Cat.�330.                  ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    35.
    188     Austria; 1966-88 attractive colln. of illustrated first day covers on pages in eight albums,
     generally neat typed/printed addresses. (Estimated 700+)                   ..               ..                    70.
    189     --; 1991-97 mainly u.m. colln. in Lindner album, plus another album with sparse earlier

     years. (100s)          ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    24.
    190     --; album of approx. 1960s-80s postal stationery unused and used (55), and another album

     with mainly commems used on covers, etc.   ..                 ..                 ..            15.
    191     Bahamas; 1938-52 2d scarlet mint marginal fourblock, one showing the "short T" variety,
     the variety u.m. (SG 152ba cat.�120.)             ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    40.
    192     Belgium; Railway Parcels; 1960 set (4) u.m. (slight colour marks on reverse of 50f). SG
     P1723 cat.�130.       ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    22.
    193     British Guiana; small m. & u. seln. on a few pages, stopping at 1964. (70)            ..                    12.
    194     British Honduras; small QV to early QE m. & u. colln. inc. 1962 Birds defin set (12)
     l.m.m. etc. (85)          ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    20.
    195     British Virgin Islands; 1952 defin set (12) u.m. (natural mark in paper of $2.40), cat.�35.         12.
    196     Brunei; 1906-60s m. & u. seln. inc. some better e.g. 1907-10 25c, 50c m.m. (cat.�32., �15.),
     1908-12 $1 m.m. (�21.), 1924-37 various values to $1 m.m., etc. (c.87)               ..                    20.
    197     --; 1908-22 $5 l.m.m., creased, SG 47 cat.�160.               ..                 ..               ..                    10.
    198     --; 1947-51 defin set (14) l.m.m./m.m., SG 79-92 (cat.�110. for u.m.)  ..            20.
    199     Burma; 1938-40 1r, 2r, 5r, 10r l.m.m., SG 30-33 (cat.�135. for u.m.) ..            20.
    200     --; Official; 1947 Interim Govt. opt. set (13) l.m.m./m.m., SG O41-53 (cat.�140. for u.m.)         30.
    201     Canada; Newfoundland; 1910 2c perf. 12 x 11
� m.m. with a couple of small thins. SG
     110 cat.�325.            ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    24.

    202     --; --; ; Postage Dues; 1939-49 set (6) m.m./l.m.m., typical perfs. SG D1-6 (cat.�38. for u.m.)    12.
    203     Canada; 1852-57 Beaver 3d used (4 margins, moderate cancel, lower right possibly
     repaired, possibly a natural crease) cat. minimum �170.; also 1893 20c sound used (small
     crease, cat.�48.), and 1898-1902 20c sound used (�50.).  ..                 ..               ..                    24.
    204     --; 1989-95 complete set of seven presentation packs for the WW2 50th Anniversary blocks
               and FDCs. (The u.m. blocks alone cat.�44.)    ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    12.
We try to confirm receipt of email bids within 24 hours (within 1 hour on auction day, not on the Sunday).
A Buyer�s Premium of 10% (vat-inclusive) will be added to all sale prices.

Stamps and Collectables, 2 February 2009                             Page 10                     Estimate.
    205     Cayman Islands; 1950 KG6 defin set (13) u.m., couple of minor bends. Cat.�65. 18.
    206     --; 1953-62 QE defin set (15) l.m.m. (cat.�95. for u.m.)     ..                 ..               ..                    15.
    207     --; 1974 defin 1c (10), 3c (sheet of 25 + block of 10), 9c (25), and 1976-78 defin 10c (sheet
     of 25), 20c (15), all u.m. (blocks folded). Cat.�372
         ..                 ..               ..                    22.
    208     Ceylon; small QV to KG6 used colln. on a few pages. (c.175)              ..               ..                    20.
    209     Congo (Brazzaville); 1963 Air 100f (Town Hall) fine used, one short perf at left. SG 27
     cat.�140.                   ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    24.

    210     Cook Islands; 1944-46 set (9) in mint fourblocks (some are 2 l.m.m./2 u.m., some all u.m.),
�d and 1d with wmk. sideways inverted. SG 137-45 (cat.�320. for u.m.)         ..                    50.
    211     Cyprus; 1904-10 30pa with "damaged US" variety faulty used (SG 63c cat.�70.), 1912-15
�pi and 2pi both with the "broken bottom left triangle" variety, these respectively g.u. &
     f.u., SG 75ab, 78a, cat.�60., �65.                   ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    35.
    212     --; 1938-51 defin seln. of l.m.m. values to 45pi, 90pi, �1. (Cat. c.�160. for u.m.) 30.
    213     --; 1938-51 defin �1 u.m., centred low, cat.�60.                ..                 ..               ..                    15.
    214     Falkland Islands; 1935 S.Jubilee set (4) l.m.m. (cat.�35.), and 1938-50 defin short set to
     5/- short set to 5/- l.m.m./m.m. (cat. c.�270. for u.m.)         ..                 ..               ..                    50.
    215     --; 1935 Jubilee set (4) u.m., cat.�35.              ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    12.
    216     Falkland Islands Dependencies; 1944 the four sets of opts. (3 u.m., 1 m.m.), plus extra set
     of S.Georgia m.m., and 1946-49 Thick map set mixed used. Cat.�137. ..            20.
    217     Fiji; 1938-55 defin short set to 5/- inc. several extras l.m.m./m.m. Includes 1
d die I, 2d die
               I, both 5d, 6d die I. (cat. c�190. for u.m.)        ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    26.
    218     Finland; 1866-1969 mint and used collection in album, the later years quite complete
     l.m.m./u.m., and with better inc. three serpentine roulettes used, 1930 Zeppelin 10m l.m.m.
                  ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                �130.
    219     --; 1860-1988 collection on pages, generally used earlier and l.m.m. later (c.600) 60.
    220     France; 1920s-70s mainly u.m. colln. on stockleaves, the bulk in 1940s-60s with some
     duplication. S.t.c.�600+ (100s)     ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    65.
    221     --; 1949 CITEX 10f single used on commem cover for stamp centenary.                ..                    10.
    222     French POs and Colonies; Morocco; 1891-c.1960s m. & u. seln. on two stockleaves,
     some dupl., and good scattering of better values. S.t.c.�680. (c.150)     ..               ..                    60.
    223     --; --; 1902-21 m. & u. range on two pages inc. some Tangier. Includes 1902-10 1pt unu.
     (no gum), and other better values. S.t.c.�290. (80)              ..                 ..               ..                    40.
    224     German Area; a few pages with m. & u. mainly WW1/WW2 Occupations, inc. Belgium,
     Ostland, Ukraine, Romania, Luxembourg, Marienwerder, etc. S.t.c.�300+ (c.125) 35.
    225     German States; seln. on stockcards of Baden (16), Bavaria (2), Brunswick (5), Hamburg
     (4), Hannover (7), N.German Confed. (3), Prussia (4), Thurn & Taxis (4), W�rttemberg
     (166). Also some early Germany (16). Mixed quality.         ..                 ..               ..                    30.
    226     --; small stockbook of Bavaria (44), W�rttemberg (48) and N.German Confed. (43). A few
     others also.
           ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    15.
    227     Germany; 1926-31 Air set (8) quite heavily mounted mint, SG 392-9 cat.�120.    ..                    20.
    228     --; 1930 2m Airmail booklet complete, containing 1926-31 airmail stamps as 10pf pane of
     10, 20pf pane of 5 + 5 labels. SG SB27 cat.�1,200. Rare booklet but far from perfect (10pf
     pane with part gum, some wrinkles, other faults, 20pf pane with part gum).              ..                    80.
    229     --; 1934 Air set (11) m.m., cat.�90.                ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    20.
    230     --; Allied Occupation; French Zone; Baden 1949 Engineers' Congress, Goethe, Rastatt,
     W�rttemberg 1949 Ski Champs., Goethe sets. All fine used but with certification marks on
     backs indicating that the cancels are fake. (Cat.�439. for f.u.)                ..               ..                    20.
    231     --; --; French Zone; W�rttemberg 1949 Ski Champs., Goethe sets, fine used but marked on
     reverse as having fake cancels. (Cat.�153. for f.u.)              ..                 ..               ..                    10.
    232     --; West Germany; 1949-2000 valuable accumulation of collections, contained in ten large
     printed albums, nearly all u.m., and many of the albums quite full. (1,000s)           ..                �150.
You may make alternative bids, or state an overall spending limit. Advice available.
Stamps and Collectables, 2 February 2009                             Page 11                     Estimate.
    233     Germany; West Germany; 1946-2000 a similar lot in eleven printed albums of mainly
     fine used (many c.t.o.) (one of the albums has both m. & u.) (1,000s)                  ..                �150.
    234     --; --; 1994-97 extensive collection of just four years in three Lindner albums. Generally

     u.m. and c.t.o. for each issues, plus some sheetlets m. & u., other blocks, postal stationery,
     booklets/panes, etc. (100s)       ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    60.
    235     --; --; 1965-74 collection in three stockalbums of mint (often u.m. singles and/or four-

     blocks), used (mainly singles), and covers (mainly FDCs). (100s)       ..            30.
    236     --; --; album of mainly miniature sheets either c.t.o. or on FDCs or souvenir cards etc.

     Includes 1959 Beethoven m.s. c.t.o. and another on FDC. (c.56) Also a few others.                 24.
    237     --; --; 1949-55 m.m. seln. inc. 1949 Parliament set (2), UPU, 1951 Humanitarian 30pf, 1953
     Humanitarian 30pf, 1955 Luftansa set (4), etc. (S.t.c.�450+ for u.m.). (16)             ..                    45.
    238     --; --; 1949-55 used seln. inc. UPU, Bach 20pf, Otto, Schurz, , Hostels 20pf, Liebig, Ifraba
     20pf, 1955 Relief 40pf. S.t.c.�300. (12)          ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    40.
    239     --; --; 1949 Refugees 20pf g.u. (cat.�14., a few rough perfs), and 30pf f.u. (slightly off-
     centre, cat.�120.), and 1951 Humanitarian 30pf Pestalozzi fair used (slight crease, cat.�140.)       30.
    240     --; --; 1951-90 mainly used colln. in Davo printed album, the value partly in a few better
     earlier commems, partly in simply a decent general run with many complete sets. S.t.c.
     �1,000+ (c.1,250, 18 m.s.)
      ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    26.
    241     --; --; 1952 Humanitarian 10pf g.u., 20pf f.u., 30pf f.u., cat.�131. as odds              ..                    24.
    242     --; --; 1953 Humanitarian 10pf and 20pf g.u., 30pf f.u., cat.�101. as odds.             ..                    15.
    243     --; West Berlin; 1948-90 valuable accumulation of collections contained in six printed
     albums, nearly all u.m., some of the albums quite full. (Many 100s)      ..            80.
    244     --; --; 1960-90 mainly u.m. collection in two Lindner albums. Must be complete or close to

     it. Some extra/duplicates at back also. (100s)                  ..                 ..               ..                    30.
    245     --; --; 1948-90 mint (mainly u.m.) and used (often c.t.o.) collection in two printed albums.

     Seems to be probably originally from three collections, and some areas of overlap. (100s)         50.
    246     --; --; 1949-54 Buildings defins short set to 90pf (missing 4pf SG B36, 20pf B42), plus
     1954 7pf and 70pf, all m.m. (cat.�500. as u.m. Odds)        ..                 ..               ..                    50.
    247     --; --; 1949-54 Buildings 1m and 2m u.m., SG B50-51 cat.�129.          ..               ..                    30.
    248     --; --; 1951 Freedom Bell (clapper to left) set (5) mint, mainly u.m. but some imperfections.
     Cat.�120.                  ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    20.
    249     --; --; 1951 Freedom Bell (clapper to left) set (5) good/fine used. Cat.�180.           ..                    30.
    250     --; --; 1953 Church Reconstruction set (4) fine used (tiny corner crease on 30pf). Cat.�225.        40.
    251     --; --; 1964-69 (1966-69) Architecture 2nd defin set (16, cat.�14.), 1970-73 Heinemann set
     (23, cat.�28.), and 1975-82 Industry/Technology set (23, cat.�43.), all u.m.           ..                    12.
    252     --; --; 1986-89 Famous Women defin set (17) f.u. (c.t.o.), SG B732-B748 cat.�170.                  20.
    253     --; East Germany; 1949-72 used colln. in old Schaubek printed album, and 1972-76
     possibly complete used colln. in Safe hingeless album. (100s)              ..               ..                    30.
    254     --; --; 1964-69 mainly u.m. colln. in old-style Lindner album, and 1978-84 u.m. & c.t.o.

     colln. in Lindner album. (100s)   ..                 ..                 ..                 ..            35.
    255     --; --; 1948-87 mainly used collection in three KA-BE printed albums, often with complete

     runs. (100s)           ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    40.
    256     --; --; 1975-82 m. & u. colln. in printed album, plus others on stockleaves at back, and a

     second album with 1979-80 sets/m.s./blocks/multiples. (100s)            ..               ..                    30.
    257     --; --; 1950-59 mainly u.m. colln. in Schaubek printed album, with a few useful values/sets.
     S.t.c.�200. (117)
  ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    24.
    258     --; --; 1950 Academy of Sciences set (10) l.m.m. (cat.�170. for u.m.)   ..            15.
    259     --; --; 1951 Friendship with China set (3) l.m.m. (cat.�350. for u.m.)     ..            40.
    260     --; --; 1953 Marx pair of miniature sheets, plus an extra sheet of 6 imperf, and same sheet
     perf. Mainly good/fine m.m./u.m., some wrinkles/small faults. Cat. c.�450.              ..                    50.
    261     --; Unified; 1998 N�rdlingen 110pf f.u. with large upward perf. shift (c.7.5mm) cutting off
     foot of stamp but adding part of marginal design at top. Faults.               ..               ..                      5.
A Buyer�s Premium of 10% (vat-inclusive) will be added to all sale prices.

Stamps and Collectables, 2 February 2009                             Page 12                     Estimate.
    262     Germany; Covers; really big accumulation of stuff in two cartons � commercial covers,
     FDCs, souvenir covers, and ETBs, etc. Scattering of other countries. (Many 100s)                �100.
    263     --;
Germany Mixed Lots; seriously big lot in heavy carton comprising 29 stockbooks
     (mainly full size). Largest part is West Germany, but some W.Berlin and E.Germany also,
     as well as some pre-1949. Some is just duplicated cheaper stuff, but there's also clean runs
     of u.m. and/or c.t.o. issues, some mint blocks and miniature sheets, etc. Resorted into a
     retail stock, this would price up in thousands. (1,000s)     ..                 ..        �300.
    264     --; --; between 1 and 5 each of various W.German year packs between 1974 and 1991

     (none of some years) (23), plus five year packs of E.Germany between 1984 and 1990, an
     album of W.Berlin u.m. 1981-90, used 1989-90, and E.Germany used 1988-90, and a
     smaller album of earlier. (100s) Also a bundle of postcards.                ..               ..                    75.
    265     --; --; three stockbooks � the first mainly u. up to 1945 and inc. a few Small and Large

     Eagles; 2nd of mainly u. W.Berlin; 3rd of mint W.Berlin. (100s)            ..               ..                    50.
    266     --; --; small seln. of selected earlier West Berlin inc. 1949-54 20pf (2 u.m., 1 m.m.) (19,
     s.t.c.�440.), plus one Hannover, and one German 1936 cover.              ..               ..                    40.
    267     Gibraltar; 1886 opt. on Bermuda 2
�d good used with blue-black overprint. (Opt. appears
     black where colour is solid, but has blue colour in spots where printed more thinly). Tone
     spot shows on reverse. SG 4a cat.�150.          ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    10.
    268     --; 1971 defin 2p and 4p each in block of 5 pairs, 1971 5p coil strips (20, some minor
     toning), 1975 defin 1p block of 40 (= 20 pairs), and 1977-82
�p with "1982" imprint block
     of 25, all u.m. Cat.�205.               ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    20.

           Greenland; see Non-Philatelic (Books).
    269     Grenada; 1881 HALF-PENNY overprint with the "   OSTAGE" variety - one fair m.m./unused,
     one good used. SG 21c, cat.�190 and �130.   ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    30.
    270     --; 1888-91 surcharges on revenues, probably SG nos. 41b, 43, 44, and 45 (stained) fair to
     fine mounted mint. Cat.�429.        ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    30.
    271     Heligoland; seln. of 47 mainly mint stamps, probably nearly all reprints etc., mainly fine,
     plus six postal stationery cutouts.   ..                 ..                 ..                 ..            26.
    272     Hong Kong; 1938-52 defin 30c perf.14 l.m.m. SG 151 (cat.�150. for l.m.m.)       ..                    22.
    273     --; British Post Offices in China; 1917-21 4c and 8c, and 1922-27 set (missing 50c) fine
     l.m.m. (creases on 8c). Cat.�338. ..                 ..                 ..                 ..            90.
    274     Hungary; 1945-65 m. & u. colln. in two albums. (100s)                    ..               ..                    30.
           Iceland; see Non-Philatelic (Books).
    275     Israel; 1950 University 100pr u.m. with tab (cat,�29., light crease), Maccabiah 80pr u.m.
     with tab (�70.), 1951 Herzl u.m. with tab (�4.25), and 1949 Well 40pr m.m. with half tab
     (�110. for full tab, small tone spots).                ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    20.
    276     --; Forgeries; sheet of 30 of 1950 2nd Anniv. 40pr (Ships), every one with a printed tab
     (these with small "1969 Reprinted").                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                      5.
    277     Italy; 1863-65 5c grey sound unused with small part gum. SG 10 (cat.�1,600. for mint)               20.
    278     Japan; seln. of 15 early  used stamps inc. imperf. and perf. sets of Dragons, all likely
     forgeries.                   ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    24.
    279     --; 1906 Military Review set (2) fair m.m., 1919 Peace set (4) m.m./u.m., and 1921 Crown
     Prince set (4) m.m., cat.�242.       ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    50.
    280     Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika; 1938-54 10c black & green mint fourblock (2 m.m., 2
     u.m., and two with strong crease. One stamp showing the "Mountain Retouch" (this one fine
     m.m. with just small possibly natural crease, SG 135a cat.�75. for u.m.) ..            15.
    281     Kuwait;
1923-24 1�a, 2a, 2a6p, 3a, 6a, 2r (slightly short corner), and 10r (looks fine,
     centred slightly to left, tiny thin). Cat.�240� (7)                  ..                 ..               ..                    30.
    282     --; 1923-24 2a6p unused (no gum), and 5r l.m.m. but thinned. Cat.�97.75.            ..                      8.
    283     --; 1923-24 2a and 3a l.m.m. with inverted overprints.        ..                 ..               ..                    15.
    284     --; 1923-24 �a, 1a, 1�a (2), 2a, 2a6p, 3a orange, 3a blue (2), 6a, all fair to fine used with
     postal cancels. Cat.�75.                ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                      8.
Stamps and Collectables, 2 February 2009                             Page 13                     Estimate.
    285     Kuwait; 1923-24 10r quite good-looking used with postal cancel, but with heavy crease.
     SG 15 cat.�500.        ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    30.
    286     --; 1923-24 1r, 2r, 5r fine used with telegraphic cancels. SG 12-14. (Cat.�392. for postally
     used, and telegraphic also quite scarce.)           ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    50.
    287     --; 1948-49 set (11) f.u., plus 5r f.u. fourblock and 10r f.u. pair. SG 64-73a. Cat.�65.                 20.
    288     --; 1948 Silver Wedding set (2) m.m. (cat.�37. for u.m.)     ..                 ..               ..                      9.
    289     --; 1948 Silver Wedding set (2) v.f.u., cat.�40�                 ..                 ..               ..                    12.
    290     Lebanon; 1924 Olympic set (4) m.m., poor corner on 2p50. Cat.�80.  ..            12.

    291     Libya; c.1979-83 u.m. range in stockbook, probably all sets (88, 3 m.s./sheetlets)                    12.
    292     Liechtenstein; a stockbook of u.m. fourblocks (1970s/early-80s), and an album with a
     mainly 1950s-70s colln. of c.t.o. fourblocks.                    ..                 ..               ..                    40.
Macao; 1949 UPU 32a m.m., SG 424 (cat.�65. for u.m.) ..                 ..            10.
    294     Malaya; Trengganu; 1917-18 Red Cross 2c opt. on 3c with the "RED CSOSS" variety poor
     m.m. (creases etc.) SG 20c cat.�170.              ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    10.
    295     Morocco Agencies; British Currency 1907-13 2/6 m.m., cat.�95.; also Spanish Currency
     1907-12 6pt u.m. top marginal (hinged on margin), couple of wrinkles. (cat.�35. for m.m.)            35.
    296     --; British Currency; 1914-31 2/6 m.m. (1), used (2), and 1925-36 1/- used. S.t.c.�160.          30.
    297     New Zealand; 1936-42 2/- Cook mint top marginal horizontal strip of three, mounted on
     margin only, the first stamp with the "COQK" variety. Perf.13-14 x 13
�, SG 589/589a, cat.
     �75 variety, �38 each normal.       ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    40.
    298     --; 1938-44 1d scarlet mint fourblock (2 m.m., 2 u.m.), one of the u.m. stamps with the
     "broken ribbon" variety. Variety SG 605a cat.�70., others cat.�5. each.               24.
    299     --; 1938-44 1d scarlet booklet pane of six with inverted watermark, and plate number "5" on
     margin. Upper three stamps are m.m. and have good perfs, lower three u.m. but trimmed
     perfs. SG 605w (cat.�17. each for u.m.)          ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    12.
    300     --; 1940 Centenary set (12) m.m., another set used, and Official opt. set (11) used. Mainly
     good/fine and inc. a few extras. Cat.�115.       ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    18.
    301     --; 1937-2005 colln. of Health illus. FDCs, generally unaddressed from about 1970s.
               Missing 1966-67, 1978, 1983, 1996-2002. (57)
           ..                 ..               ..                    24.
    302     --; Postage Dues; 1902-49 used selection covering all denominations and inc. some blocks.
     Includes SG D36, D44 (4), D47. S.t.c.�380.   ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    40.
    303     --; Officials; 1907-40 m.m. selection of opts. inc. 1936 pictorials values to 2/-, 1940
     Centennial odd values to1/-, etc. S.t.c.�500. (31)               ..                 ..               ..                    60.
    304     --; --; 1907-27 used seln. with various perfs./wmks. and values to 8d, 1/-, 2/-. S.t.c.�270+
     (54)        ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    20.
    305     --; --; 1936-61 9d red & grey-black mint pair with lower marginal - one u.m., one l.m.m.
     SG O129, cat.�90. each (for u.m.)                  ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    30.
    306     --; --; 1938-51 set (7), and 1947-51 set (7) plus 1/- plate 2, and 2/- wmk. upright (creased).
     (Cat.�256. for u.m.)  ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    35.
    307     --; --; 1938-51 1
�d purple-brown mint corner fourblock. Small thin on margin intrudes just
     slightly into one stamp, otherwise stamps are arguably u.m. (or maybe just touched at a
     couple of points). SG O138 cat.�75. Each = �300.            ..                 ..               ..                    45.
    308     --; --; 1938-51 and 1947-51 seln. of used singles and blocks making up two sets of each
     issue plus extras, s.t.c.�190. (42)  ..                 ..                 ..                 ..            24.
    309     --; --; 1940 Centennial 2�d mint strip of three, one (this u.m.) with the "ff joined" variety,
     SG O145a cat.�50. Also a l.m.m. 2d with same opt. (cat.�60 but creased).            ..                    20.

    310     --; Life Insurance; 1891-1937 used seln. with good variety as well as slight duplication,
     and inc. 1905-6 2d without "VR" (SG L21 cat.�95.). S.t.c.�300+ (24)  ..            45.
    311     --; Postal Fiscals; 1940-58 4/-, 5/-, 10/-, and �1 - twenty used examples of each. Total cat.
     c.�185.  ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    10.
Telephone bids are welcome, and should be confirmed in writing.
A Buyer�s Premium of 10% (vat-inclusive) will be added to all sale prices.

Stamps and Collectables, 2 February 2009                             Page 14                     Estimate.
    312     Nigeria; 1953-58 2d black & yellow-ochre complete sheet of 60 u.m., SG 72 cat.�4. each
     = �240.  ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    15.
    313     Niue; 1944-46 set (9) in mint fourblocks (each 2 u.m., 2 m.m.), SG 89-97 (cat.�35. per set
     for u.m. = �140.)       ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    30.
    314     Papua; 1911-15 Lakatoi 2/6 g.u. (SG 91 cat.�38.), plus 1938 Jubilee set (5) m.m. (few short
     perfs, cat.�30. for u.m.), and 1941 Air 1/6 m.m. (�30.)       ..                 ..               ..                    20.
           Papua; our next auction will see the sale of an important find of covers largely from a
               mission in the Fly River area of the Western Division of Papua, mainly from the earlier part
               of the 20th Century. Much of the mail had been routed through Thursday Island to England
               and other destinations. Full details of course will appear in the auction catalogue; this note
               is simply to give slightly earlier notice and perhaps allow the word to spread.
    315     Poland; 1968-2006 attractive fine used (mainly c.t.o.) collection in three-volume Schaubek
     standard printed albums. Appears to be complete for the period. (100s)              ..                �100.
    316     --;
Government in Exile; 1944 Monte Casino u.m. vertical pair, one with the �no stop
     after 18� variety.        ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                      8.
    317     Portugal; 1892-93 small seln. of PROVISORIO opts. (most with "1893) used and unused
     (no gum), mainly fair/fine, s.t.c.�700. (11)        ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    30.
    318     --; 1898 Vasco da Gama set (8) fair to fine m.m., cat.�160.                  ..               ..                    15.
    319     --; 1910-12 REPUBLICA set (14) m.m. (cat.�65.), 1924 Camoens set (31) l.m.m. (�50.),
     and 1925 Branco set (31) m.m. (�225.), nearly all fine.       ..                 ..               ..                    55.
    320     --; largely used colln. in stockbook. (c.500) ..                 ..                 ..            10.
    321     Rhodesia; 1910-13 Double Head �1 perf.15 spacefiller of this scarce stamp, with fiscal
     cancel and trimmed perfs at lower left. SG 179 (cat.�3,000. for used)    ..            40.
    322     Romania; 1862-1993 mainly used collection in four albums, interesting for the scattering
     of covers and cards at places through the pages (most of these commercial); also further
     material in stockbook, album, in cover album, etc. (1,000s)                ..               ..                �100.
    323     Russia; 1993 (?) bundle of u.m. sheets each of 100 USSR 1988-91 defins, overprinted and
     surcharged for �Temaphila 93� Israel-Romania stamp exhibition, held in Tel Aviv. Over-
     prints, which are of five different pictorial types are applied either to blocks of four stamps
     or to the entire sheet (i.e. one single large opt. design). Also a few Poland etc. (56 sheets =
     5,600 stamps)           ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    24.
    324     Saar; 1922 French Currency 3c - six complete u.m. sheets of 100, various split perfs.
     Cat.45p each x 600 = �270.         ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    10.
    325     Saint Helena; 1903 KE7 �d with inverted watermark heavily mounted mint. SG 55a cat.
     �150.     ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    24.
    326     Samoa; 1935 Silver Jubilee 1d perf. 14x14� l.m.m., SG 177a cat.�95.                 ..                    30.
    327     Seychelles; 1952 defin set (15) l.m.m./m.m. (cat.�65. for u.m.)            ..               ..                    15.
    328     Somaliland Protectorate; 1903 KE7 �a with the "SUMALILAND" overprint variety u.m.,
     centred right (SG 25c cat.�95. for m.m.) in pair with m.m. normal (few short perfs on the
     normal).  ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    30.
    329     --; 1903 KE7 �a l.m.m. with the "SUMALILAND" variety, minor crease. SG 25c cat.�95.             15.
    330     South Africa; Cape of Good Hope; mixed used seln. of triangulars comprising 1d (5), 4d
     (4), 6d (2), and 1/- (1), plus a 1/- forgery.       ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    50.
    331     South Africa; mainly used mix in stockbook up to about 1970. (c.300)              ..                      6.
    332     Sweden; 1924 UPU Anniversary set (15) unmounted mint. Fine condition though a few
     little imperfections (small gum faults, rough perfs, etc.) SG 161-175 cat.�700.         ..                �120.
    333     --; cigar box with many hundreds of used (a few mint) stamps sorted into packets. Little
               early, probably best for modern.
                  ..                 ..                 ..               ..                      6.
    334     Switzerland; 1862-1971 used colln. on printed pages. Good general coverage, with many
     sets, and better items e.g. 1943
GEPH m.s., 1945 Pax  short set to 80c, etc. S.t.c. (using
     foreign catalogue) US$2,705. (c.990)
         ..                 ..                 ..               ..                �100.
    335     --; 1970-97 colln. of c.t.o. in album, mainly in sets, plus a few miniature sheets. (100s)              24.
Stamps and Collectables, 2 February 2009                             Page 15                     Estimate.
    336     Syria; 1948 President's Re-election miniature sheet, and 1949 Election miniature sheet,
     both u.m. with odd wrinkles, tiny tone spot. SG MS467a cat.�190., MS486a cat.�225.               75.
    337     --; 1956 Museums miniature sheet u.m. (no gum) SG MS603a cat.�60., and two others.              15.
    338     Tanganyika; 1922-24 Giraffe �1 upright watermark unmounted mint. The yellow-orange
     ink has some natural discolouration towards top. SG 88a (cat.�200. for m.m.)        ..                    90.
           Tibet; see Non-Philatelic (Books).
    339     Tristan da Cunha; Booklets; 1958 3/6 booklet complete and fine (some of the panes not
     stapled in, as they hadn't been inserted sufficiently far). SG SB2 cat.�55.                 ..                    15.
    340     Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; 1970-75 c.t.o. colln. in stockbook, possibly from year
     sets. (100s)               ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    15.
United Nations; bundle of pages of u.m. and c.t.o. issues of all three headquarters, mainly
     about 1991-2001, with sets, blocks, m.s., and sheetlets. (100s)          ..               ..                    40.
United States of America; 1893 Columbian 50c and $1 unused spacefillers with various
     faults. SG245-6 (cat.�450 and �1,300 for m.) ..                 ..                 ..            30.
    343     Yugoslavia; 1961 Insurrection miniature sheet (Tito statue) unmounted mint. SG MS1013a
     cat.�150.                   ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    24.

              United Kingdom
    344     1840 penny black LK plate 4 fine used with quite lightly struck red MC cancel. Four margins,

     a bit narrower at top right. In SG presentation folder (certificate etc.)      ..            50.
    345     1840 penny black HI f.u. with three margins, red MC. Also 1876 cover with pair of �d

     plates, and others.      ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    20.
    346     1840 twopence blue MK fine used with part of black MC cancel at foot (and very small part

     of another at right). Four margins (neat, a bit close at lower left). Attractive. In SG present-
     ation folder (certificate etc.)           ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    75.
    347     1847-54 Embossed 6d good sound used, cut square and just into at left and top. SG 58/60

     cat.�900.                   ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    40.
    348     1873-80 wmk. Spray 1/- orange-brown sound used, SG 151 cat.�600. Scarce basic stamp.        35.
    349     1881 1d lilac (16 dots) u.m. gutter block of 24 (6x4, a couple creased), and another u.m.
     block of 20. Cat.�2.50 each for u.m. = �110.  ..                 ..                 ..            20.
    350     1881 1d lilac (16 dots) u.m. with marginal control �X inverted�. Some small imperfections
     but scarce. SG Spec. KC53a, cat.�175.          ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    20.
    351     1887-1900
�d, 1�d, 2d, 3d, 4d, 5d, and 10d mint, mainly u.m., but several with creases,
     small marks, etc. (the 5d fine u.m.)                   ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    20.
    352     1902-13 KE7 2/6 and 5/- sound used, 10/- g.u. (crease), and �1 good sound used. Minimum
     cat.�1,540.                ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                �120.
    353     1911-12 basic set of the �d and 1d each of the five different Downey issues, all u.m. and
     mainly fine. (The scarcer booklet stamps, SG 334/7 are fine with inverted watermarks and
     only very slightly trimmed perfs.).  Cat.�232.    ..                 ..                 ..            50.
    354     1913-19 Seahorses 2/6 (40), 5/- (8), and 1934 Re-engraved 2/6 (2), 5/- (4), in mixed used
     condition.                  ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                 ..               ..                    60.
    355     1924 Wembley 1d l.m.m. (2 short perfs), 1�d u.m., 1925 Wembley set (2) u.m. but a
     couple of bends, 1929 PUC low values set (4) l.m.m./u.m., and 1935 S.Jubilee set (4) u.m.          24.

    356     1958-61 graphite
�d - 34 mint examples, mainly u.m., some with trimmed perfs or creases,
     but giving probably 17 fine u.m., all upright wmk. SG 587 cat.�9 each.   ..            30.

    357     1963 Lifeboat, Red Cross, Cable, and 1965 Arts, phosphor sets u.m., cat.�131.                          30.
    358     1969 Christmas 4d u.m. (3) apparently with phosphor omitted (one fine, one with tiny fault,
              one with small scratches on head). ..                 ..                 ..                 ..            20.
    359     Booklets; 1969 �Stamps for Cooks� �1 booklet � the stapled version, complete and with
     average perforations. Couple of just minor blemishes. SG ZP1 cat.�400.                 ..                    80.
    360     --; 1972 two of the Wedgwood �1 booklet, average perfs, cat.�75. each.              ..                    20.
A Buyer�s Premium of 10% (vat-inclusive) will be added to all sale prices.

Stamps and Collectables, 2 February 2009                             Page 16                     Estimate.
United Kingdom, continued.
    361     Booklets; 1975-90 seln. of 35 different u.m. 10p, 50p, and �1 folder booklets. Cat.�188.
     (face value �20.70)    ..                 ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    22.
    362     --; a similar lot of 17 different. Cat.�99.65 (face �10.30)  ..                   ..            12.
    363     --; 1976-86 seln. of 22 different folder bkts., 65p to �1.70. Cat.�162. (face �27.48)                   30.
    364     --; 1978-2000 seln. of 28 different Christmas booklets. (Face value �90.65)
      ..                    60.
    365     --; 1979-86 seln. of 8 different Christmas folder booklets, cat.�70� (face �18.15) 16.
    366     --; 1983-86 seln. of 7 different folder bkts., �1.20 to �1.70. Cat.�49. (face �10.23) 10.
    367     --; 1987-88 seln. of 14 different barcode window booklets. Cat.�158.  ..            22.
    368     --; 1987-88 seln. of 6 different barcode window booklets. Cat.�51.      ..               ..                    10.
    369     --; 1988-93 seln. of 24 different u.m. barcode booklets. Cat.�309. (face value c.�49.)                 50.
    370     --; 1988-90 seln. of 9 different u.m. barcode booklets. Cat.�149. (face value �11+) 15.
    371     --; 1989-1998 seln. of 16 Greetings booklets. Includes some type differences, some with

     adhesive labels on covers. (Face value �57.90)             ..                   ..               ..                    45.
    372     --; 1992 Wales prestige booklet u.m., cat.�20.                 ..                   ..               ..                      6.
    373     --; 1994 Northern Ireland prestige booklet u.m., cat.�28. ..                   ..              6.
    374     --; 1995 National Trust prestige booklet u.m., cat.�28.     ..                   ..               ..                      7.
    375     --; 2002 A Gracious Accession prestige booklet.             ..                   ..               ..                      8.
    376     Presentation Packs; 1980-2007 three albums of mainly commem packs, the majority from
     about 2002-2007. (92)
            ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                �170.
    377     --; 1990 Royal Mail Year Book, cat.�45.        ..               ..                   ..               ..                    12.
    378     --; 1991 Royal Mail Year Book, cat.�45.        ..               ..                   ..               ..                    18.
    379     --; 1992 Royal Mail Year Book, cat.�55.        ..               ..                   ..               ..                    15.
    380     --; 1995 Royal Mail Year Book, cat.�55.        ..               ..                   ..               ..                    17.
    381     --; 2003 Royal Mail Year Book, cat.�100.      ..               ..                   ..               ..                    40.
    382     --; 2004 Royal Mail Year Book, cat.�110.      ..               ..                   ..               ..                    40.
    383     --; 2005 Royal Mail Year Book, cat.�90.        ..               ..                   ..               ..                    50.
    384     --; 2006 Royal Mail Year Book, cat.�100.      ..               ..                   ..               ..                    45.
    385     --; 2007 Royal Mail Year Book, cat.�110.      ..               ..                   ..               ..                    50.
    386     First Day Covers; 1980-2004 extensive collection of Benham �silk� first day covers in
     eighteen albums, all of the smaller type with a single stamp per cover (�BS� series) Clean
     and fine throughout. (Estimated c.1,000 covers)             ..                   ..               ..                �300.
    387     --; large carton of FDCs partly sorted into bundles or smaller boxes, from the period
               1970-89 and 1996-99. Mixed types � standard PO covers, handwritten, typed, etc., plus
               some souvenir covers and a few Channel Islands etc. (Estimated c.1,500)
           ..                �200.
    388     --; large batch of covers with pre-decimal (c.350, a few better), about 400 mixed later
     FDCs (mainly to 1990s), plus souvenir covers (100+), and others such as airletters, and a
     small box of mainly mint pre-decimal stamps.                 ..                   ..               ..                �100.
    389     --; 1978-2008 collection in four albums. From about 1985 the majority are standard PO

     covers with typed addresses and usually the alternative postmarks. (c.325)          ..                    90.
    390     --; 1980-83 and 1986-89 colln. of FDCs (and a few others) in two SG New Classic cover
               albums (c.70), plus two further similar empty albums. (Albums need cleaned)
    391     --; 1984 (19 Jun.) 26p advanced coated paper on illus FDC (printed label address), and 1985
     (19 Feb.) 75p new paper on illus FDC (printed address), each with Windsor Philatelic
     Counter special handstamp. (Potter cat.�75. and �150.)   ..                   ..               ..                    35.
    392     --; 1985 (4 December) Scottish 31p type II on illustrated FDC with Edinburgh Philatelic
     Counter special handstamp, printed label address. Rare cover. (SG catalogue gives
     "November 1985" as earliest known use, FDC catalogue gives date as 4 Dec.) Cat.�250.            60.
    393     UK Philatelic Covers; 1970-72 two small albums of special cancels of Forces Postal
     Service etc., often on Forces Airletter sheets, many with dupl. (133) Some others also.
    394     --; 1961 souvenir illus. Cover for 50th Anniversary of first aerial post, with BEA 11d Airway
     Letter Service label, and Windsor commem. Slogan pmk. - 192 of the same cover.                   15.
Stamps and Collectables, 2 February 2009                             Page 17                     Estimate.
United Kingdom, continued.
    395     Philatelic Numismatic Covers; 2003 "Farewell to Concorde" souvenir cover with 2002
     Concorde stamp cancelled Heathrow, encapsulated East Caribbean $10 silver coin, and
     signed by John Cochrane, Jock Lowe, and Raymond Baxter.                 ..               ..                    20.
    396     --; 2005 souvenir card of Windsor Castle, with 50p Castle stamp and silver replica. 5.
    397     U.K. Covers and Postal History; 1809-46 seln. of unstamped covers with a variety of
     mainly English marks. (11)
        ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    30.
    398     --; 1911 First Aerial UK Post red envelope with KG5 1d stamp cancelled by clear London
     special handstamp, and with unused matching notepaper inside.              ..               ..                    30.
    399     --; 1911 First Aerial UK Post green postcard with KG5
�d stamp cancelled by partial
     London special handstamp.           ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    15.
    400     Scottish Covers and Postal History; 1845 entire Stirling to Langholm being a printed
               bank notice regarding the theft of �2,000 in banknotes from a distiller from Fintry. Manu-
               script O.H.M.S., postmarks of Stirling, Edinburgh and Langholm.          ..               ..                    15.
    401     --; a dozen postcards all with Fife postmarks.  ..               ..                   ..              6.
     U.K. Cinderellas; see Collectables (Financial Ephemera).
    402     Guernsey; 1969-2008 possibly complete (including Alderney) u.m. collection in three
     Lindner hingeless albums, inc. some booklets in earlier years.              ..               ..                �150.
    403     --; 1979-2008 complete run (plus 1976) of Europa sheetlets u.m.
     ..               ..                    75.
    404     --; 1948-2008 collection of illustrated first day covers in five albums plus loose bundles.

     From 1970 onwards probably a straight run as delivered by the Post Office. (Very roughly
     350) Similar for Alderney 1983-2008.         ..               ..                   ..               ..                �100.
    405     --; a bundle of mint stamp booklets, an album of PHQ cards/maxi-cards, and eight

     Alderney prestige booklets.       ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    75.
Isle of Man; 1973-2008 possibly complete u.m. (just a few l.m.m. at start) collection in
     three Lindner hingeless albums, inc. some booklets in earlier years.     ..        �130.
    407     --; 1973-2008 collection of presentation packs in seven albums plus loose bundles, quite

     possibly complete as delivered by Post Office.               ..                   ..               ..                �130.
Isle of Man; 1968-2008 colln. of illus. first day covers in four albums plus loose bundles.
     1973 onwards probably a straight run as delivered by Post Office. (Very roughly 350).             75.
    409     --; u.m. Europa sheetlets for 1976, 1978-79, and 1983-90, face value �50+          ..                    20.
    410     --; bundle of mint booklets inc. several prestige type, plus a few PHQ postcards, etc.
    411     --; 1973-75 defin 3p with the olive-bistre border, commercially used, small creases. SG 17a

     (cat.�100.). Sold �as is�.               ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    10.
Jersey; 1969-2008 possibly complete u.m. collection in three Lindner hingeless albums, inc.
     some booklets in earlier years.   ..                 ..               ..                   ..        �150.
    413     --; pages with u.m. Europa sheetlets for 1978-81, 1983, 1985-90. Face value roughly �92.          30.
    414     --; 1968-2008 colln. of illus. first day covers in six albums plus loose bundles. From 1970

     onwards probably a straight run as delivered by the Post Office. (Very roughly 300).                 75.
    415     --; bundle of mint stamp booklets inc. prestige type, and a few other items.              ..                    40.
    416     UK Collections and Mixed Lots; 1971-2000 u.m. colln. in album, apparently complete
     commems 1971-75, 1977-81, 1985, 1993, 1995-96, and 1999. A few earlier also.
    417     --; suitcase with approx. 300 FDCs (mix of Bureau and alternative postmarks), a bundle of
     presentation packs (face stated �33.), plus a few Australian FDCs.     ..            50.
    418     --; two cover albums with 1968-84 FDCs, other souvenir covers, and other odds (inc. some

     foreign). (c.130 items)               ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    35.
    419     --; 1955-58 Castles (4 sets in mixed used condition, cat.�200.), plus duplicated decimal
     booklets 70p (6), 50p (8).            ..                 ..               ..                   ..               ..                    15.
    420     --; 1973-2000 seln. of almost 40 used sets, mainly off FDCs.                ..               ..                      8.

� Robert Murray 2008


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>From �300 to �500, bids are in �20 or �30, and above this in 5% to 10% steps.

Abbreviations; a list of abbreviations and symbols used is from time to time included in the auction catalogue. We suggest that you keep a copy for future reference.
m./u.m. mounted/unmounted mint                                  accum.             accumulation
l.m.m.               lightly mounted mint                              colln.                collection

g./f.u.                good/fine used                                      seln.                 selection
v.f.u.                 very fine used                                       pmk.                postmark
FDC                first day cover                                       cat.                   catalogue price

PSB                 prestige stamp booklet                           PNC               philatelic numismatic cover
s.t.c.                 stated to catalogue (by vendor)             m.s.                  miniature sheet
S.o.W.             �Stamps of the World� catalogue          inc.                   including
                    Smaller bid steps accepted                    PTSA               priced to sell at
c.d.s.                circular datestamp                                 bkt.                  booklet               
�   lot not being taken to auction room
lvs.                   album leaves                                         p.stat.               postal stationery
c.                     circa (usually approximate quantity)       
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BID FORM - Sale Date 2 February 2009

to Robert Murray,
 5 & 6 Inverleith Gardens,
 Edinburgh, Scotland, EH3 5PU

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Robert Murray
Scotland�s Best-Stocked and
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