Robert Murray Stamp Shop
Discounts in our Retail Shop
(See home page for upcoming opening hours.)

This is our last planned swathe of price reductions.

[1] 25% off New Stockbooks; mainly Compass and Lighthouse brands (and remember that most of our stock is priced up at pre-Covid prices - current RRP is probably higher).

[2] 25% off Hawid and Showgard Mounts - black or clear backgrounds, cut-to-size, strips, and blocks. We're already sold out of a few sizes (but have big stocks of some others). Get in now while we still have sizes you want.

[3] 40% off all Priced Album Pages (our previously half price pages are now 60% off).

[4] 30% off all Priced Collections on display in our front shop (and this will include some which are new stock).

[5] 25% off (30% off non-silver) individually priced Coins in our sorted boxes (£1 to £5 range).

[6] 10% off (20% off non-silver) Coins in our higher-priced books (£5+).

[7] 35% off all Stamps in our behind-the-counter display books of Commonwealth, European, and Overseas.

[8] 25% off all Stamps in our higher-priced (£20+) scanned display books.

[9] 50% off all Cigarette and Trade Cards (now withdrawn to prepare for auction).

[10] World and Commonwealth catalogues – many reduced (see items in shop, or see website)

[11] Royal Mail 2nd-hand cover-, postcard-, and presentation pack-albums. 25% off marked prices.

[12] Kiloware – discount now increasing week by week - see
Kiloware web page. (now sold out).

[13] Covers – UK First Day covers (individually priced in main stock) all at half price. Some others at half price. All others at 20% off.

[14] Better Covers (scanned) now 20% off.
(now withdrawn to prepare for auction).

[15] Banknotes in boxes – 20% off.

[16] Banknotes in albums – 15% off.
(now withdrawn to prepare for auction).

[17] Some other accessories 10% off (please ask !). (Some may be higher or lower discounts, or no discount – we’ll confirm.)

[18] Many of the priced packets and odd items in shop are 20% off (ask for confirmation). These are now all in one place on our "Jumble Table".

When you are in our shop just ask for confirmation of what is, and what isn't discounted.
As we work towards clearing the remains of our stocks in our next auctions (planned for February 2025) areas of stock will be withrawn stage by stage. These will be forewarned in our shop and on our website.

Last updated Tuesday 7 January 2025

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